The beauty about having a garden in your backyard is that, you get to cook fresh produce without worry of chemicals or other stuff that farmers use in their farm in growing veggies and other crops.

I have tried planting some carrots this year, some got destroyed by the birds when they were just growing so only few survived but we enjoyed every bit of it when we harvest them. We also tried broccoli but it did not progress, however our rabbits loved the leaves that we got from it.

I still have some tomatoes and veggies from my garden and plan to harvest them today or tomorrow as the weather is getting chillier each day.
10 Smart Readers SAID::
I wish I had the space for a garden. I hope you get better results with the broccoli and carrots next year.
i love fresh vegetables
You have green beans!! I love green beans!! Maybe next year I'll remember to start my own garden early this time!
I would love to plant some veggies but I kill everything. These look great!
veggies looks good.:) The beans are what i like most.:)
Mommy, you make me miss our huge garden. :( I miss having to go to the backyard and pick fresh veggies and fruits. Yours turned out great. We always have broccoli in our garden every year and once they start to have the edible part, we always harvest it as it gets old pretty quick. Have you ever tried cooking the leaves as well? Have you also tried planting Chard? They are amazing as it is low maintenance and grows back each year. And they grow big and in beautiful colors and delicious! We never plant carrots anymore because they don't seem to make it well plus we have a huge family of rabbits in our yard that loves to visit the garden every day.
We grew up in a house with a big yard where my mom and dad planted a vegetable garden, some trees, and corn stalks. I have very fond memories of harvesting whatever grew in the garden. I want my kids to share the same experience which is why I'm really working hard to be able to buy a house with a big yard. :-)
I agree. No chemicals. No worries. How I wish I have a green thumb like yours.
you are so right, getting the fresh fruit and vegetables saves your money too, which i wasn't being successful this year because our yard needs more sunlight so got to cut more of the big trees we have to have enough sunlight.
Nothing beats fresh grown produce. It's healthier compared to commercially grown produce, it's less to no fertilizers involved.
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