Now that the weather is getting colder each day, a lot of Phamarcy would be very busy for the cold season. I am so glad that my son got over with his cold already, I was getting worried because I don't want them to get sick just like last year. I know that we should have get the flu vaccine but it doesn't guarantee that you won't get the flu anyway so we did not pursue it. My kids were like me who doesn't like needles.
On the lighter note, me and hubby were looking at these beautiful properties in New Home Builders over in New Zealand and my oh my, the price is staggering $800k+ for each. I know that they look beautiful but the prices are enormous. I mean for that amount it would be like a mansion here in our area but I guess real estate prices over there is based on their economy. I must admit though that every time I looked at pictures of New Zealand, it is like a magnet. There is a voice telling me to move down there hahaha.
I was reading an article about steel fabrication a while ago while I was waiting for my husband to come home and it made me very sleepy. Once in a while, I challenged myself to read something that I am not interested just to see if my mind can absorb some information about the subject. Unfortunately, once the subject get so complicated, I just say "This is not for me" and the challenge has failed haha. Oh well, I am not the type with multiple skills who can absorb different stuff. I did however learn something about steel when I was reading the information at the website. It reminds me of the stories that my father-in-law told me about his former work in the steel mill before in this area. It's a bummer that the steel industry here has died down. They said that it had to do with the union's demands. The company could not agree so they just stop the operation which is sad. Greed is not a good thing, it kills job and a lot of good opportunities.
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