My wife and I had our doctor's appointment yesterday morning. She consulted our family physician with her constant migrain and I consulted him with my heart condition since I had that abnormalities again which I suffered back when I was in Korea. The doctors in Korea said that it wasn't a heart attack, my sister who is a nurse said that it might be my gall bladder. Since my MRI was normal, the doctor did not find anything wrong. However when our physician ran an EKG on me, it is my heart that has a problem.
After our check up, we dropped by at the pharmacy to buy Rose's prescription and I met an old friend that I haven't seen for almost 20 years. While waiting for the meds, my wife called me at the card section and showed me this birthday card. The message was awesome so she let me read it and said "Okay, I don't have to buy it anymore since you already see/read it". We were both laughing and I said "Okay, take a picture of me so I won't forget that you got me a card" lol.
Then on the way home, we dropped by at Dominos Pizza and bought some take out to bring to Dad and kids. Rose won't pass this red and blue color without snapping some photos lol.
My wife while we were waiting for the pizza.

It's nice that some of the business establishments put sanitizer but look at the dust on the lamp. Opps.
Hope you guys will have a wonderful Valentine's celebration.