Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Busy Shadows

I took these shots last month when our neighbor hired a company to pour a new concrete on their driveway. I noticed that there were so many shadows so I took the opportunity to capture them.

We planned to have ours maybe next year when budget permits us.
The contractor gave me a free estimate of 10 thousand for ours. That's a big amount to save for lol.

To make our driveway look a little nicer, I blasted the concrete with the pressure washer that my brother lent me. Thanks for dropping by here friends. Have a great day!

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Swimming Tiger

As promised from my last post , here is the tiger swimming in his haven.

This is the closer shot that our camera could zoom in. Hope everyone is having a nice weekend. We are planning to go for a family walk again late this afternoon at Panhandle Trail. I did my run this morning and found out that I am in a horrible shape already. I need to get back to my exercise routine or else, I 'll end up being fat and weak.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Playroom at Educational Uniformfitters

Thanks to my wife who never cease to take pictures of things. She took pictures of the kids while playing at the Educational Uniformfitters's play area. It's nice that they have a small play area section at their store as it gives other kids to play while the parents take care of the uniform.

Here's our two busy bees.

Didn't know that she also took a picture while I was paying.

See, she doesn't miss taking pictures of those colors where we participate posts with lol. Have a nice week ahead everyone! Thanks for visiting.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Nostalgia # 14 - Rose's GrandPa

When I first met Rose in person, she took me to the place where her father grew up and I got to meet her grandfather who was 90 years old that time. It was an honor to have meet him and I am glad that I was able to because few years after Rose migrated, he died.

He seemed to be a very nice man. According to Rose he is very hardworking and religious. He knew how to carve woods and stuff. He was also talented in strumming guitar and banjo.
The second and last time I saw him was during Rose's Dad's funeral.

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Thursday, August 19, 2010

Gold Fish

My wife took this shot when we wen6t to Pittsburgh Zoo last Saturday. My family and my sister's went altogether so the kids can enjoy different kinds of critters. There are some gold fish in the pond where the ducks swims. Will share you the other photos next time. Thanks for dropping by fellas.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Bird's Eye View

My wife took these shots when we pulled in in front of my father's house. She saw this bird relaxing in one of the branches of my Dad's tree so she quickly grabbed her camera and shoot. Here wishing everyone a lovely weekend!

Monday, August 16, 2010

Last Shots

We went to the kids' doctor last Monday for our daughter's last two shots of vaccine. She will be going to school in two weeks and as a requirement, all kids has to have a complete record of vaccination. I am glad that the kids has an updated shots.
While waiting for her turn, the kids played in the waiting area with this magnetic sea creature toys..
We are so proud how brave our little girl is, she never cried whenever she's getting shots.
It's a different story with our little man lol.
Have a good start of the weekend everyone.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Photography by a five-year old girl

These are some of our five-year old daughter's photography. She is getting addicted in taking pictures of the things that interests her. She took these shots when we visited my sister last week.

Hope everyone is having a good weekend. We went to the Pittsburgh Zoo today and we are all exhausted from that long walk.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Nostalgia #13 - Million-Dollar Gift

Today we celebrate our 7th wedding anniversary. I am so happy that I found a woman like Rose. We are like pepper and salt that compliment with each other. Below is a million dollar gift that I received from my former buddy on the ship. When I came to the Philippines to get married, I did not tell anyone, I told them when I came back after the wedding. One of the guy I work with is very funny, he bought this rotating merry go round photo frame as a wedding present for me and my wife. When he handed it to me, he said "Here is my million-dollar gift". He covered the real price and wrote down his price lol - enlarge the photo to see it.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Maple Leaf

My wife found this interesting leaf when we walked our daughter down at ST. Joe's for her vacation bible study a couple of weeks ago. She brought it home and took some photos of it. If my son collects rocks whenever we go for our walk, my wife collects leaves lol.
Today was a busy day for my family, we took care some business.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Cutting Trees for Extreme Exercise

As I have mentioned in my previous posts, my sister Chris had so many big trees at her backyard. Last week we had a storm and I am not sure if the rain made the roots weak that caused the cherry tree collapsed. But anyhow, it fell inside my sister's fence and covered most of her backyard.

The funny thing is that due to the incident, my sister found out that she owns more land than she ever thought. So the city did not want to shoulder the cost of cutting the tree as it is in my sister's property. So last Friday, we came over and helped her cut some of the branches. We did not have the right tool to cut the main body of the tree but we cleared up most of the branches.

Here's how it looks like in her backyard before we cut some of the branches.

I took my wife and kids with me but I did not anticipate my wife helping us. I was amazed how she used the ax just fine. She was really good at it actually. Cutting trees is really a good form of extreme exercise. I was thinking that my body would be sore but luckily it didn't. My wife however have a sore back and arms lol.

While we were busy, Fat Boy and Heide were busy too lol. The photos below were taken by our aspiring 5-year old daughter who started to show her interest in photography.

Have a blessed Sunday to all of you.

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