When we bought our second home, we knew that we will have to do a lot of renovations and home improvement because the house is old and a lot of its interior and exterior features are outdated. We had new windows installed in January and it really helped with the energy cost and blocking the noise from outside. We loved it because now that it is winter, the house is warm and comfortable. Mind you, we have 31 windows in this house so it cost a lot but it is worth to have it done because in the long run, it improves the value of the house and the quality of life we have living in it.
The major project we did this year also includes the backyard fence that we installed ourselves. We did not have the money to hire a contractor for it but we got it done for half the cost so it is a major plus for us. We love our backyard now because we can let the dogs and the rabbits out without worrying about them running away. I also love the fact that I don't have to worry about the neighbor staring when I am at the backyard gardening.
Anyway, this late August, we decided to have our front door done. We were going to try to do it ourselves but we agreed to have professional do it since it is something that would be hard to fix if we miss it up. It cost more to hire someone to do it but we wanted to make sure that it is done right. We hired West Shore to do it. We chose this 36x80 legacy steel door with two panels 440 style inspiration lily. The interior color is snow mist white while the exterior is Valles red. We picked the aged bronze Addison grip entrance handle and accent. This cost $8,221.
We made the order in August 28 but they have to custom order the door from a company in Ohio called Provia. The door wasn't installed until November 14. The company where they ordered the door was familiar to us because we always see it when we go to the Amish store.
It took the installers five hours to complete the installation. They were really good in what they do. I think if my husband and I tried to do this ourselves, it would have took us a month lol.
I love it now that we have a new door because there is a lot of natural light coming in the entrance door unlike the old one that we had. We had a solid oak wooden door before and it was great but it was old and it wouldn't lock anymore especially during winter. The storm door was also busted so we figured to have it done and have a new one. We kept the old door though. Hubby and I are planning to use it in the garage side door.
The casing that they put around the door kind of hidden some of the letters on our wall decal but it's okay.
Before I talk about our Christmas decor, I would like to thank West Shore for a job well done. They are a family-oriented company. The guy who sold us the door even came during the installation to make sure that the project will go smoothly. I think it is nice when a company truly cares for their customers.
On decorating for Christmas, I always do it early. My daughter was actually the one who kept bugging me to start decorating already. I don't really decorate for Thanksgiving so we decorate for Christmas early so we could enjoy it longer.
The kids did a great job decorating the tree. Our tree is a rotating one but we don't really make it rotate because when we do, our dogs go bonkers lol.
Pine cones are the best to use if you are looking for natural and inexpensive decor. My daughter and I painted these pine cones few years ago and has been using it since.
Last year, we hung the stockings by the fireplace but this year, we decided to hang them by the entrance door. My son said, 
We used to have a crab apple in the front lawn but we chopped it down this summer, by doing that we don't have a big tree to put these balls anymore so I hanged them by the picture window.This is a snowmen village that I put together last year. They are very small to hang in the big tree so I thought of putting all of them together and make one piece of snowmen decor.
Her music corner is also decorated.
The former owner left us this white Christmas tree so we set it upstairs . We also decorated the railing with bells and garland.
I am almost done decorating for this year. All I need to do is hang some Christmas lights around the fireplace and some lights outside and I am done.
How about you, did yo]u start decorating yet? I know Thanksgiving is a big tradition in most American families so I am guessing some of you might wait till after Thanksgiving day. I wish you all a happy Thanksgiving and may our holidays be peaceful and full of joy.