Having a warm home during winter time does not only consist of having the best heating system. There are other factors that contributes to low energy bills such as having a good insulation in your attic and having a well-insulated windows and doors. That is one concern we have with our home, the insulation is not so god that's why we have such a massive electric gas bill during winter times . We sometime puts on our electric heater especially during night time because the bedrooms are cold.
Too bad the Creative Energy Exteriors website is down for maintenance, I was going to canvass for prices about window replacement as it is one of their expertise. Their services includes replacement of windows, door, sidings, roofing, sun rooms, and custom built decks. I'll Visit www.CreativeEnergyExteriors.com again next time because I want to know their pricing about sun rooms We are planning to have an add-on sun room to replace our small back porch in the future.
Right now, our heater is continuously kicking on because it is so cold outside. Good thing, we have two extra portable heaters that we can use whenever we want to stay at the basement because it is so cold down there. We closed the vent down there so all the warm air will come up so when the kids wants to play in their play area, I plug or portable heater to keep them warm.
Winter is not my favorite season because I am not used to it. I grew up in a tropical country and living here was a big adjustment for me especially during winter times. My nose gets dry and sometimes bleed and I can't stand being outside for a long time so even if I want to play with my kids,, I just can't.