When we moved out from our first home, it was bittersweet. because we made a lot of great memories from that home. EJ is still having a hard time accepting the fact that we sold our first home. He was very attached to the house where he grew up and lived in for 9 years of his life.
Another thing that we will always remember in our Park Avenue home was the cherry tree that we planted when Rylie was 2 years old, she helped us plant it in the front lawn. So to recreate those memories, we planted a Magnolia tree on her 12th birthday.
Planting a tree is not a typical thing to do on birthdays but I thought it would be memorable and symbolic to do that. This tree would help shield us from the business part of our area. Right now, the only thing that separate our home to the business area is a fence which is starting to fall apart. I can't wait to see this tree grow and see it's beautiful bloom in the Spring. It would take probably a couple of years before this blooms, we will see.
We planted pines last year with the same reason, shielding our home to the business area. Hopefully, the tree and the pines will grow quickly and give us shade and barrier from the other side of our property.
I wrote the message on a piece of wood and stained it.
Right now, the tree is as almost as tall as the kids so we will see the growth each year.
Even Bolt was very enthusiastic in helping out with the planting.
You can learn more about the Magnolia tree here.
I love how Magnolia tree looks like when it blooms during Spring time. I can't wait to see ours bloom in few more years.