One of our long goal plan is to have a sun porch built at the back of our house. Right now, we have a small porch and my husband is not satisfied with it as we can only put a swing and that's it. I am not in a hurry about it though as we have so many things going on that needs to be addressed other than adding something to our home. We still have tp transform our dining room into a bedroom and we haven't done that just yet.
On the other note, we visited my brother-in-law last weekend and the kids swam at their swimming pool. My sister in law is bumming out about her upcoming surgery. She said that it is not the actual surgery that she is worried about but the after-surgery. She said that she will be in wheelchair for a while so she won't be able to the things that she normally does like rug cleaning and all that stuff that she usually does regularly. I told her that she can always hire the expert cleaners like the Same Day Carpet Cleaning to do the cleaning for them. I would like to help her out but they live so far from us and my kids are going to start school already so I will be very busy too.
Anyway, if you guys are looking for a professional cleaner to clean your rug or carpet, check out the link above and see how Same Day Carpet Cleaning could help you with your needs. They are offering a 15% right now so you might be able to avail the discount. If you don't have the time to clean your home by yourself and you can afford it, why not let the expert do your dirty work.
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