Out of the innumeral challenges that accompany having a toddler, keeping things clean is definitely the one that arises the most often. Helping what goes into the toddler (food) to stay there, and stopping what comes out of the toddler at the other end from going everywhere requires a rigorous level of supervision. Given the amount of crawling that gets done it’s a good ideas to give little hands and knees a break by having soft rugs on the floors of your home, and while the maintenance of rug adds another challenge, it is definitely a manageable one.
Choosing rugs appropriate to high baby-traffic areas of the house is another important factor in maintenance; check out the wide selection at http://www.rugsamillion.com.au to find one suited to your space and the kind of wear it’s likely to face. When it comes to giving your rug the best shot at survival, consider some of these tips:
Choosing rugs appropriate to high baby-traffic areas of the house is another important factor in maintenance; check out the wide selection at http://www.rugsamillion.com.au to find one suited to your space and the kind of wear it’s likely to face. When it comes to giving your rug the best shot at survival, consider some of these tips:
A Place for Everything
The most common way that rugs get dirty and damaged is by food and drink spills. A good habit to set into place with every member of the family, including the littlest members, is to have only one or two rooms within the whole house that food is allowed to be eaten; the kitchen and dining room. While it might seem easier to let a picky eater drag their sandwich around the house with them rather than trying to make them eat it in one sitting, it’s important to get them in the habit of doing so. Try to set regular eating habits for your toddler, encouraging them to eat in the same place and at the same times everyday. While is may seem difficult to begin with, it will actually makes meal times easier once the pattern is set in place. Let them eat until they start playing with their food and then take it away and let them loose; they’ll soon learn they can’t just play with their food endlessly. This will start positive eating habits for life; and it also means less mess trekked throughout the house and over the rugs!
Always Be Prepared
Regular nappy checks will save every surface in the house, including rugs, from any accidents.
Minimizing Spills
If you have a rug in your dining area where the family, including baby, eats then make sure your toddler has a high chair with a wide tray to catch food scraps. Also, sippy-cups and bottles will prevent a lot of angst from sudden slips and spills.
Unleash the Artist... Outside
While it’s essential to encourage the creativity of your toddler, have set spaces for playing with crayons, paints and pens. Either put newspaper down over a wooden or tiled area, or better yet, encourage them to do it outdoors.
My daughter, in front of our neighbor's house drawing their porch. |
Check First
When accidents occur, as they inevitably will, always check for the colour fastness and type of textile the rug is made out of before you descend with the cleaning products; if you’re in a hurry, dabbing any stain with a hot wet rag will buy you some time!
29 Smart Readers SAID::
That was great job done by you..! I'm impressed..
Truth be told, we just removed the rugs and carpets lol, my son has allergies anyway so it's better for him, great tips!
I remember my Mum used to get me arty in the garden it was great to be able to let loose a little :) x
Such a budding artist sis... do encourage her to dabble in arts as well and she can still develop into a fine artist.
Agree with the tips... It's difficult to keep the rugs clean when there are young kids at home. You can put a newspaper beneath their high chair to catch whatever spill they make or yes, do send them to a different place when their tinkering with their artsy stuff.
I agree to send the artist outside! We have washable paint and I hand it with brushes to my girls and let them paint the garage door! Then we just wash it away!
That is a good idea. My daughter once asked for painting materials, but we never bought her for the fear of her spilling it on the carpet. :-(
I will not have a rug yet here in the apartment because I have little boys and yes, they make a lot of mess, spills, not to mention the many food crumbs and all, so no rugs for me yet. But great tips, and by the way, you have a budding artist there.
You are so correct, to avoid messy things and spills I see to it na eating is only allowed sa dining table.
Thanks for sharing your ideas on keeping clean with young children in the house. There are some good tips here also for keeping clean with bigger kids.
it's hard maintaining rugs with a toddler around.. let alone two!
In fairness your daughter has a talent on painting. She's doing great!
Good job little girl. It's a nice tips to keep the rug clean with a toddler at home.
when my kids were little, i used to cover delicates on the living room with newspapers or plastic covers to avoid stains/spills
great tips wonder if they work for adults
Very artistic kid of yours, she's going to be a great painter someday.
Your daughter is a talented kid.
A big thank you as I have my 19 months old. Thanks for the tips.
Hahaha that's a funny saying, i think i will just stop cleaning until they get 18 or become independent adult! I know it's hard keeping up house tidy with kids hay...
I always vacuum them ones or twice every week or two depends how messy they are! They really messy even i told them the drill oh well kids will be kids. lol
Great tips mare. It's hard to clean area rugs. :)
These are wonderful tips to keep rug clean.
No matter how often I steam clean our rug it's a mess in a just a matter of week.
That is really good to know
The most well-known way that mats get messy and harmed is by nourishment and beverage spills. A great propensity to set into spot with each part of the family, including the most diminutive parts, is to have stand out or two rooms inside the entire house that sustenance is permitted to be consumed; the kitchen and lounge area. small oriental rug
It is practically not possible for the common people to clean the obstinate stains on their carpets, as it does not gets removed by simply by vacuuming, so if you are determined to provide newer look to your carpets, then you must hire the professional carpet cleaners for quality cleaning, in a hassle-free manner.
It's really difficult to have clean carpets when you have a child. You gave me ideas how to proceed in my home! Thank you for sharing! I especially like the last advice.
I prefer DIY natural cleaners when it comes to cleaning wit children at home. I like the advices you shared.!
Great ideas to get the kids on board and involved in the housework!
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