Tuesday, January 20, 2009

story teller

Every night before going to bed, I always tell my daughter a story or two. But tonight was different, when I went to her room to tell her a story, she told me that she will be the one to do the job. I was amazed that she remembered every stories I told her and made into a one whole story. I think our daughter would be a great story teller someday lol.. Just sharing guys.
Rylie's pictures when she was one year old, 5 months and the last one was 7 months old..

7 Smart Readers SAID::

Chris said...


Clarissa said...

aawww!!what a cutie!!

iceah said...

I know she will be she's such a bright kid c: From what I heard from you and Rose she really is going to be a beautiful story teller c; will she be in school this coming school year? c:

escape said...

so adorable! im sure she'll be proud to see this by the time she grows up.

Dhemz said...

she's a cutie...:)

Madz said...

Wow, so adorable.... hopefully to have kids like yours Joops in the new future....

mommy Orkid Belle said...

Such a cutie baby, too. Are you going to tell us a story now? hehehe... Thanks for visiting my blog!

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