Children are very curious, they are always into discovering things especially inside the house. That's how they learn and progress as a little individual. We, as parents, need to guide them through out their younghood to mold them into responsible adults in the future. Here is a pretty example of child's curiousity he he he...

I'm sure your kids did things like this too right? My mom told me that I used to squeeze my sister toothpaste or dumped her shampoo until they're empty lol..

You may want to share your experience with your kids here.. Thank you for visiting..
31 Smart Readers SAID::
hehehehehe! he looks so cute...yep joops, give them the freedom to explore the world around them, it's a vey good way of learning and developing their motor skills.....
when i was a kid, i luv to empty the baby powder nto the floor and play there...hehehehe
i guess that's one way for them to learn.
My kids, when they were that age did similar stuff, but i didn't take any photos otherwise it'll be great to share.
yup, joops my son did same thing, too before Lol, i'll post one of the things he did next time hehehe
oh btw, done grabbing the tag and posting it, thans, again!
You are so right joops. That is why, as long as it is tolerable, let them do it and figure it out themselves. Learning takes place in this kind of situation.
Now that's one thing I don't miss. LOL With four that were pretty close in age, it seemed one of them was always getting into something, no matter how hard I tried to watch them. By the time our fifth one came along, the other kids were 17,16,15 and 11. So I had plenty of help.
Raw, crunchy noodles? he must really be hungry. Hahaha, well, I also had so many treasured moments when it comes to my kids digging out stuff from our cabinets, it just so happened that I wasn't able to take a picture. But, kids do that all the time.
My youngest who is now 19 months old, is into everything, would put anything in her mouth and so scary, since sometimes, not everything is food..
Happy New Year to you and your family. Thanks for visiting my site and Hope this year is another successful year for all of us..
haha my daughter she always doing that she mess the rice,all stuff on the cabinet they are exploring hihi little cutie..
oh! oh! he thought he is in trouble, so he has to eat all of those! (lol) cute 'lil boy!
Hahahaha, so you are very ornery then Sun lol.. Are you still that ornery? Just wondering hahaha... But you're absolutely right. I think you're ready for fatherhood man!
Did you wish that you should have took pictures then Gregchai? Yeah, its very good to take pictures of things that they do, my wife is always up to that hehehe..
Hi Cecille, okay let me know so I can see it too hehehe..
You sound like a mom Amy hehehe.. Yup, its not good to hinder their exploration because it also mean that you limit their chances to learn..
Oh wow, that muct be good Mrs. Lincoln, having 4 of hem to help you!
Hello Mom of Four, that is true sometimes we caught our son chewing into something gross that he picked up in the floor.... It's so hard to keep up with them sometimes..
Oh that too Ms. Grace, my son love spreading out the rice on the floor...
Hello Ms. Youngest, he actually chew some but he quit when he realizes it wasnt ood to eat raw like that hahah..
Like Father Like son i guess lol!
You bet on that hon hahaha...
good thing he hasnt learn naughty stuff yet lol... I'll leave that to you to fix hahaha...
psssstttt.... don't tell on me now hahaha..
He is so cute and lovable kid! He looks like to you Joops! Kisses from Cyprus. Philip
Thank you Philip!
What a cutie!!Kids love to explore!My daughters did also the same thing--emptying some flours and cocoa powder.Imagine those mess!hahahaa!!!
Thanks for following a newbie like me.:)
Happy New Year to you and your family!!
Reminds me of myself as a kid, haha.
He is adorable!
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thanks any. just dropping by. Just let me know if you're interested.
Have a nice day!
Hi ms. Clarissa, there's no such newbie in making friends hehehe but you're welcome. thanks for visiting back and for followng my blog too..
Hi Jasmine, so this post brings back memory ha hehehe..
Sure, it will be my pleasure to xlink with you zplits
thanks for adding me. God bless. See you often.
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