Just some drive by shots along the Steel Mill road. As I took the shots, my husband reminisced the time when the Mill was on it's high peak. He said that everything was great in this town.

I wish that the Steel Mill company here in Weirton still operates. I mean some part of it are still in business but not the whole thing. According to what I read, the company collapsed when the union were asking too much and the company could not afford to anymore. I don't mind having union in a company because it protects that workers but when they become greedy of asking too much stuff, it ruins the business then everyone suffers.
I remember when I was still working, someone was establishing a union in school but the administrators did not allow it because they know that it would just cause problems. They said that if union will be pushed through that they would just close the school. I am glad that it wasn't materialized.
4 Smart Readers SAID::
I wish that the still mill still operates too so it can give more job to the community.
It sucks that because they didn't compromise now everyone suffers.
That’s sad to know. I hope the company can still revive that steel mill.
Limitations and boundaries must be set in companies with union. So sad that everyone needs to suffer.
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