It said that when you pray or help others, you should not tell the world about it, that you should keep it in secret. Sometimes though, in order to put awareness to others about your pure intention, say for instance, you want others to help out with a relief operation, you have to announce it. You might be wondering what I am talking about but it just makes me feel sad that some people have the nerve to criticize other people who are willing to help others. I am not saying that it is morally right to announce the charity you are doing to the world but it is not right as well to criticize. Just let it be and the best thing you can do is to try your best to help in your own way as well. To the world who reached out and helped my country Philippines, thank you so much! The school where my children goes, also organize a relief fund collection to send to the typhoon victims. This helps children's awareness of what is happening on the other side of the world. I am posting this not to boast but to make awareness to all the people out there with kind hearts, it is not too late to help and no amount is too small to help. There are so many ways to help and even prayers will do.

I wish there is a way to send some relief goods like clothes and other stuff that people in Tacloban, Philippines could use. Cuddle Buddies Bean Bags would make the evacuees a bit comfortable in evacuation centers. It might not be the best idea but if there is the way to alleviate their discomfort, why not right? I know that basic stuff, like water, food, clothing, and shelter is what they need over there. I just wish that there is a way to send goodies. There might be but I just don't know where. I have experience this kind of tragedy when our home was washed away by a tidal wave and all was left was the clothes in our bodies so I know exactly how they feel. It was hard getting back up but with prayer and perseverance and of course the help of other people through relief and donations, we made it.
4 Smart Readers SAID::
I's not too late to help...a $1.00 will go a long way!
ibang tao talaga utak ipis...hehhee....joke!
Ms. Burrito told me when she came home today that the school has collected $801 donation for the typhoon victims in the Philippines.
Hubby also told us when he came him from work that their company is collecting donations as well.
It is great to know that a lot of people cares! Thank you all for supporting my country!
It's never too late to help sis. We can still provide monetary assistance through our donation. OUr office will hold a bake-sale on Monday. I will be a participant there where all our baked goods' proceeds will be donated to few of the accepting institutions back home. This is spearheaded by the Filipino community in our company but everyone is encouraged to help in any way.
Even PHP 1 can help a lot of people. Imagine how many people in the world can save calamity victims even if they’re not rich. Helping should be done generously and not just to be praised for the helping done. Also, prayer really can do miracles like what is happening (we are together as one despite the differences in religion, race, gender, and so on).
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