Our rabbits love radish so this year, we will try to grow some. I bought a packet of seeds last year and I planted them last week. They are starting to grow now. Hopefully, they would do good so our rabbits could enjoy it.
Only hubby likes radish at home so he might enjoy it as well if we get lucky hehehe.
Smart Readers SAID::
that was a smart idea to grow your own veggies which means your rabbit can get a healthy and fresh radish food!
4 Smart Readers SAID::
that was a smart idea to grow your own veggies which means your rabbit can get a healthy and fresh radish food!
cool! i'm sure your rabbit is looking forward to that fresh carrots :D
It's radish MommyJ not carrots hehehe.
It's good that you grow your own veggies, I have black thumbs and I can;t grow anything.
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