Saturday, April 13, 2013

Daffodils & Tutorials

Here are some of the latest sketches that our 7 year old, Ms. Burrito has done.   Our daughter has never had a formal  lessons  for  arts but we let her watch video tutorials on youtube about music and arts. I know that there is a tutoring online about  arts and other  subjects but for now, our daughter is contented in learning through the free tutorial videos.  
She is working on another sketch so we could  display it on the other side of the daffodil frame at our kitchen.  We bought her another set of paints  because she ran out of   paint so I think in few more days, she will be done with it.  She also want s to  enter that contest  about the upcoming  anniversary of our state so she will be busy doing that.  I don't see any Spring blossom outside yet so I am contented of looking at the man-made  Spring blooms inside our home.
 If you ever need  some help on  tutoring your child/children, check out Tutorsville Online Tutoring services.  For a very reasonable price, you can get the help that you need.  You can improve your  grade by taking advantage of their tutorial services on subjects that  needs improvement.  Check them out.

13 Smart Readers SAID::

MikiHope said...

She really likes to draw and who can blame her when her Mom displays her artwork framed in the living room!! That was a very good still life of fruit in a bowl she drew!!

Mommy Evolution said...

YouTube really does have some terrific educational stuff on it. Looks like she's picking up on the tips.

Roger Owen Green said...

she is quite good!
ROG, ABC Wednesday team

Unknown said...

Those are amazing for a 7 year old. Please let her know they are much better than anything I could draw and I am several years older. :-)

Trendy Cyndie said...

I am in awe at the talent!

Melinda Dunne said...

Those are great pictures. She is very talented.

Anonymous said...

A budding artist ~ ^_^ ~ Creative post for M

Trendy Cyndie said...

those are beautiful works of art

Mel Cole said...

wow, impressive drawing of the bumblebee and that banana on the glass. keep it up Rye!

Mommy Liz said...

Those are gorgeous arts from your Ms Burrito. My kids also love art and they draw a lot. Thanks for giving me the idea to frame their finished products.

Anonymous said...

She is very talented for her age. Great pictures.


These are so lovely! How nice to see them up like this, they can be treasured and enjoyed for years to come!

Nova said...

pretty nice, your kid has a talent keep it up

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