If you are a regular reader of my blogs, you knew that my family love doing puzzles. Somebody gave four boxes of puzzles to my daughter as a gift, a couple of years ago. Each boxes has 500 pieces in it. We have done the 3 boxes already, framed it, and displayed it at our family room. We decided to complete the last box last year as our Christmas Vacation Project. This one is called Waiting in the Water.

If you would notice, the corner piece down the right is missing. Our four legged member of the family decided to chew it up when i-t fell on the carpet so that was his contribution.

The biggest one by the way was sent to me by a dear friend, I forgot how many pieces it was ( I am guessing that it has 2,000 pieces in it), but it took us a good period of time to finish it. After finishing it, I used a card board box as a frame since it is too big and no frame is available for it in the store.

Big puzzles like this, I love putting them in frames to preserve the effort and fun times that my family had doing it. They are not an ideal piece of display you can hang on the wall but it adds flare to the over all look of a room. I love looking at it when I am working out at our mini gym. Doing puzzles is one activity that really brings us together away from gadgets and stuff. Did you know that doing puzzles helps to avoid getting Alzheimer? I read an article about this and it is very interesting.
33 Smart Readers SAID::
oh boy..that was funny must thing that's a nice piece to choose, i love the puzzles you've collected.
What a great idea to frame them they look so nice x
I was just going to say you can frame them as they would make beautiful wall decors and then I saw your photos. They are beautiful! I love puzzles too. Well, you can actually have the huge one framed, but that will cost you a lot. We had our huge old map framed years ago and it costed us a lot.
I LOVE puzzles!! I used to have one framed, a huge one, when I was little. I have yet to find one to frame for my own house.
PS: love that your dog helped a bit ;)
- Sofia
That's awesome Mare! I don't have patience doing puzzles. It gives me a headache. :)
Those are great, and lol at the four-legged family member contribution. At least it was a corner piece. :)
ilove doing puzzles but it is so hard for me now with my bad eye sight
Actually its a good piece of decoration at home especially if all the corners have it. I suggest to do that as a collection. Nice idea as an activity of the family.
P.S. lol to the four legged damily member
What a great activity to do as a family and love how they look framed on the wall. Funny that even the dog contributed to this last one, truly a team effort. ;)
Those are lovely puzzles sis! I like solving puzzles especially the larger number of pieces. The more pieces and elaborate the puzzles are, the more challenged I am.
You have a great idea there by putting them up in frames. I'll try to do that.
They're beautiful!It is indeed a wonderful time to bond with the family! You noticed how connected are kids today with their gadgets, but disconnected with their family?
They look amazing and it's a lot of hard work and passion to inspire you on the wall! Congratulations for finishing the last one :)
Wow! I used to love doing puzzles when I was younger. Fascinating!
Wow, I think it's safe to say that your family likes puzzles. I wish my kids liked puzzles more! I bought them each one for Christmas and in only a few days so many pieces were lost we had to throw them away.
500 pieces? That's a lot of pieces! Love that you framed them! Good to know doing puzzles helps to avoid getting Alzheimer. May have to start doing some!
OMG I love putting puzzles together,I should go get one when I go to the store tomorrow, & I also like how you put them in picture frames on the wall
I have never been very good at putting puzzles together-maybe I just don't have the patience? Those are very nice ones and obviously took a bit of concentration. I love that you frame and hang them on the wall--they will always remind your children of the great family times they had helping to put them together.
That's a lot of puzzle collection sis! Love that they are art pieces :) My husband and I have done a 750 pieces puzzle together and that was long time ago. Waaaa... My kids loves puzzles too. We have floor puzzles for them. It's fun to bring them at a friends house too. Opens lots of talking time and bonding.
Wow! That's a lot of puzzle pieces. I love putting puzzles together too, but you take it to the extreme!
Wow! That's a great way to show case your love with puzzles sis. I want to do one too hehehe!
My nana does this. For occasions like Christmas & her Birthday we always get her puzzles. She then does them, frames them and hangs them all over her house. It's such a fun hobby!
I love your puzzle gallery! I used to do puzzles all the time. I really miss doing them! I have to get back into it, such a great hobby.
That sounds fun! We like to do puzzle as well. Our cats are always taking pieces from us or running across the table and scattering them everywhere!
Your puzzle pictures are truly works of art and such a beauty on your walls.
Wow, such wonderful puzzle photos - reminds me I should post more beautiful photos and scenery in our home, too.
That's completely awesome! I wish I had the patience to put ONE together lol. Good job!
I love puzzles and these are amazing. These would look really great framed and hung in my house. Thanks for sharing. Will check them out!
ah graveh. ang dami..ako nga 50 pieces lang, surrender na... kakahilo kaya.. haha
You did an awesome job of the puzzles and even with the doggy "signature," They are still a beautiful collection of puzzle photos. I love the scenery and soft colors... truly beautiful.
aww, beautiful! I wanna do this too. maybe when my kids are a little bigger.
wow! a lot of puzzles I love putting them together! I may see how many I can do for 2014!
We too love puzzles and the kids especially Harley loves to figure it out. I get them cheaply at the church rummage sale. These are lovely!
Those are beautiful puzzles Sis :-) It is great for the kids mind and hands when they do the puzzle. My little K loves to do puzzle.
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