One of the annual project that students from Madonna High School does during holiday is Candy Gram. Students, including the ones at St. Joseph School are ask to pay a dollar in exchange of a candy gram to someone they care for. In return, the students who participates in the event get to go to school with free dress (no uniform).
i let my kids participate to it because it helps the High School Students have fund for their sports events. They also get to enjoy going to school without their uniforms on. It's a cute gesture from kids, it helps camaraderie and fun for the school community.
7 Smart Readers SAID::
ay ganon! pauso nga yan dito.. piso for no uniform haha...
Cool ha. Hope my kid's school will have a candy gram too
I love those secret Santa while I was in school especially when you get one from your "crush." :)
This also helps them develop their social skills and how they interact with people.
i believe those are the sweetest and nicest way for them to have a uniform free at school.
This is so sweet! I think written notes are wonderful - a whole lot better than texting!
Great idea from school to have more funds. By the way, love the notes... :)
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