I volunteered to drive the children going to Daegu for the VBS (Vacation Bible Study) last Tuesday. I'm glad, because I got to take some pictures of my daughter and the other kids doing activities together. This is her very first time attending a social activity like this. You might have already read about this on my wife's blog about our daughter being in this summer program.

14 Smart Readers SAID::
Thanks for sharing this! I love the pics! Good to know that Rylie enjoyed it! Don't they have classes for EJ's age group?
my gosh...she's growing up! she's very attentive and behave.....:) the shirt looks big on her....:)
I made myself my own award. take it from my site... http://jenny-thewayiusetobe.blogspot.com/2009/08/my-own-award.html
wow! congratulations buddy! rylie is doing so good! it's vital that u expose ur children to social activities like this, for them to learn how to interact well and to develop their independence, autonomy, and socialization in a whole! very good work!
thanks for stopping by friend!! i enjoy having new visitors :) u rock!
hello john..it is so cute looking at the kids with big shirts..its kind of cute and funny. Hows your little princess? enjoying the summer activities, right?
Thanks for visiting my blog and the comment as well.
regards to rose and have a great week day! take care as well
hi joops! good job, that's good for children, tnx for visiting my blog, hope to hear u soon God bless.
Wow! You are right, she's so independent. She is being raised by her wonderful parents that's why..Take care and I know she will have fun.
that is a good way for the kids to socialize and interact with other kids. i used to take my kids in a playgroup twice a week organized by a church here. they learned a lot from there in preparation for their pre-school.
good to know that Rylie enjoyed it and i even saw that craft thing she made from your wife's blog. it was a good work by her and am really impressed of her talent.
thanks for sharing all the lovely photos, John.
thanks also for always visiting my blog even if i cannot return the visit on time. i really appreciate it.
i am so impressed with Rylie, she is so behaved and very attentive ;-)! great job training your kids, Joops.
it seems like she enjoyed her bible vacation class!
Congratulations!!Rylie is growing up fast--she's learning how to be independent which is good^_^
you have a precious girl there man!
that is great I bet your eldest daughter was enjoying so much
Your lil girl look so behave and attentive in whatever activities they were having. You are one lucky daddy to have such pretty and good daughter like Rylie.
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