Our children definitely love being outside. I took them outside the other day (Rose does not want to go out when it's hot because of her skin lol). Here are some snapshots of our turkey butts eating their Popsicle. EJ is making faces on the first pic, ornery kid!

13 Smart Readers SAID::
Ohh! Ej is sooo adorable! You absolutely have wonderful kids. I'm a fan of your amazing love story with your wife Rose. :)
Thanks for visiting my blog.
yes take time while the children are small yet because when they grow up, they will have their peers mostly to go with and not parents, anymore.
cute kids! I can see they love mom and dad too much.
Gosh! I always like all their natural photos hehehe. Well captured. Love the view too.
Yap,I guess they get along when they have foods ^_^ Like Wakaba and Haruka!!
Have a nice day,Sir John!!^_^
hahahaha... it is just right not to go out when it's hot.. weeeeee.. we must preserve the beauty of our complexion.. lolz... :)
they are so cute.. i wonder if they will give me some of those popsicle.. i want popsicle too.. hehehe... ^_^
they are so adorable; ej is very cute on the first pic :-)
hi John,
i just love when my kids get along. my kids are girl and a boy too and like you said, they oftentimes disagree.
I like the look of your neighborhood. it is so clean and quite.
tell rose, she is not alone that doesnt like outside when it is hot. hehehe..I am too..
have a nice day
looks like they are enjoying the weather outside...yummy popsickle....hehehehhe...:) wifey is conscious of her skin...she might get tan...joke!
visiting u with my new blog mister :)
have a nice day!
lovely kids, and your place looks great too :)
was here again and have dropped my ec, good day, rose!
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