I took my exam for my online class in math tonight, Oh man, it was hard! When I arrived the kids were already in bed but my wife showed me what they did before going to bed. Rylie asked her Mom to give her the empty ice cream containers (my wife don't dispose them but instead kept them in the seller) so they can play with it. I am glad to know that my kids are so creative when it comes to toys that they can play with. So guys, never throw your ice cream containers, it make a great drums for the kids hehehe.

and basebal target...
Yeah we have a lot of containers because my daughter and I love having ice cream for dessert hehehe.. Thanks for visiting everyone!
22 Smart Readers SAID::
kids are always fun!
anyway done adding your link
hahhahha....they looks so adorable together....:)
they are very creative and talented...and that is the fact! great job guys for raising them in a wonderful way!
i was about to say you have lots of ice cream containers.. whoa i bet the children got their sweet tooth from you :)
thanks for commenting on my smart problem.. the system here in the philippines really sucks. oh well
have a nice day! kisses to your kids and to my mareng rose!
They are so cute and it looks like they had a lot of frugal fun!
very talented indeed.
visiting here, Joops :-)!
You have one budding drummer and engineer there and he's the cutest of them all. Thanks for the fascinating post. God bless you always.
Hello John. I'm glad you stopped by and began following my blog [I will follow yours now, too]
Your kids are adorable, and what creativity!!! [Ya know, someday they may support you and your wife with the millions they'll make selling CDs of their drum playing!!]
Happy Tuesday.
See, who says, kids need expensive toys? or drumset? Hahaha!! Your kids are very imaginative.
Now that's a lot of ice cream and I never thought to make drums for the kids. Thank you for coming by and you are welcome. Have a great week.
A professional drummer in the making!!\(^0^)/fun way of recycling things!!
That only shows that toys need not be that expensive. Kids will love to play whatever is available for them.
Imagine, you've collected lots of ice cream containers despite their mom not so fond of it! he he..
Have a beautiful Wednesday morning, John!
great fun activity for these 2 adorable kids. we the same scenario here in the house with all my nieces around.
btw. thanks for commenting on my post. sorry to hear about your issue of plagiarism. Copycats for sure won't get away with their irresponsible deed!
have a great day ahead :)
thanks for the tips...nice to know what kids nowadays can do...
Your kids are really adorable...
Have a nice day...
You have a beautiful blog, very cute and your kids and wife have filled it with joy. May God bless you and your family with loads of happiness, now and forever:)
wow it is very good for the kids that they're showing their creativeness while they were kids
for sure it will be a big help as they step up on preschool and elemantary
have a great day and happy blogging
Hi there!! Thanks for checking out my blog and becoming a follower!! I posted about it on my blog today! :)
was here again, saying thanks for visiting and commenting on my blogs :-)!
they are so creative in thinking of makeshift toys! i love the baseball target! :)
Thank you for stopping by my blog!
Who needs an expensive toy to enjoy playing with? One only needs a creative mind! That was fun!
your kids are really so cute. and yup... creative, too. i remember my good old days when i was still a few years old.
thanks for visiting my blog. i really appreciate it a lot.
by the way, can we possibly exchange links?
maxi of www.ovahcoffee.com and www.healthnbeyond.com
nice big containers. would probably keep it too if we have like that here. :)
anyways, thanks a lot for following me. i'm now following u too.
have a nice week!
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