It is getting so cold here in our location and it make me think of the fun we had last year in the snow. I don't like driving on an icy road but somehow I miss the fun with my kids and family. Its always a good time when you are with your family, no matter how hard life is, you still manage to get through because you have them!
Here's Rose and Rylie in front of our house
Rylie at the back of our house (back porch)
This one was taken last year also...
55 Smart Readers SAID::
The snow looks deep
Lovely pictures... I just love to play in the snow but I hate it too bec its too cold and gets dirty once the snow starts to melt.
weee.. i miss the snow.. :)
I never saw a real snow yet....too bad in Florida, there's none... but, i will be spending Xmas in Mississippi, i don't know if I can see some along the way. That's a picture worth to be treasured for. Have a good Xmas this year.
parang ansaya nga!sana may snow din d2 s pinas!hehe!
napadaan lng po! have a nice day!^_^
wow snowing we don't snow here in TN but hubby says sometime snowing but not like that thick at Maryland i think snow start there already too that's where my younger sister and my aunt living my dad older sister
whoa! white Christmas!!! id love to spend Christmas on a snowy wonderland,hehehehe! but celebrating Christmas wih your family is still the best thing in life...take care buddy!
Nice Memories Joops! That's really a White Christmas!
Visit Pinay Pathways for the award... I will be posting soon the award you gave us... Thanks....
I'm Sorry, I have add you a link on my blog without permiSSion from you, please keep the my link in your blog...
how are you joops? tnx for the visit and advance Merry Christmas, take care and God bless your family always.
how cute your little kids playing in the snow
Yeah, it goes like 15 inches sometime Borneo Falcon..
Yuo're right Umma, its messy when the snow starts melting but its fun to play with it though..
yeah sure ill add u!
hello there. i added your link to my blogroll already as Sailor's Adventures and Opinions. thanks again
maxi of
same here, really cold. snow reach 5 inches now. hate it, can we xlinks? thanks for the visit to my blog also i'm following your blog now. Good day
I love playing with the snow too, haha,
Oh Snow. I remember the day I first saw the snow. It was March 3, 2008 here in TX.
YIKES...I do not look forward to snow...I wish we could skip winter and move on to spring. It's nice that the kids have fun playing in it!
What a beautiful and fun family photos!!
Yea, driving on a icy road is really dangerous, but when your just at home with your family and its snowing, it sure is relaxing and a beautiful sight to see.
wow! great pics..we don't have snow here in our place..which is good so we don't need to worry of shoveling them all the time..hehhe:)
Just come to the State and you'll lots of them nahj12
Hello Amy, you are lucky to be living in Florida because it has the nicest weather among the rest of the States..
hi eilarmos, oh really where? in the mall, just kidding..
Hi Grace, oh yeah... hmmmnnn maybe this year, you'll get plenty hehehe..
You're right Sunny, no matter where you are as long as with your family, it still the best to celebrate Christmas..
Hi Gilbert/Cely, thanks for the award!
Hi Indra, appreciate the add, will add u back, thanks again..
Thanks for the advance Christmas greetings Ms. merly, likewise!
Hi Nanay belen, thanks for the visit..
Hi Maxi, thanks for the add..
thanks for visiting back afparks, sure we can xlink...
Hi Weng, you're like my wife Rose hahaha..
Hi marly, oh yeah.. I remember when Rose first saw that it snowing, i saw the glow in her eyes and she was hugging and said "thank you for making me see all these"... The we had fun playing in it..
Hi Nikki, yeah its not really fun for us especially on the road but hey, we are lucky to have winter hehehe..
Hi Joanna, yeah driving on an icy road is definitely not fun at all lol..
That's good demcy that you don't have snow there... But having snow to shovel is a good exercise too during winter times lol...
Hi Joops
wow snowy here no snow sometimes i envy w/snowy places but hubby said "no way" he loves here in NC coz he born in Pennsylvania where always snowing.
By the way thanks for the comments.
Hi Joops, Thanks for following my blog and I'll follow yours too...Say hi to your wife...yeah the snow looks deep..
The photos are great, indeed it is so snowy! I do not like snow to be honest and i do hate cold... it breaks my skin!
On the side, your house, makes me wonder where it is... where is it? heheh... and the small photos you posted, reminds me to make a post/tutorial on making your photos bigger such as my first image posted in this blog entry... You'd see that it is quite enourmous and clear.... well, i still have to make the post and organize the tutorial on that post. ^^
You have a dramatic introduction... I can really feel that you have a very soft heart, especially when it comes to your family, you are so mellow but i know that you are a very tough guy (from navy, right???)..
Those snow are so thick, only to look at your pics, you make me shiver... grrrr...bbrrr... koud... koud...koud!!!
i think my comment got lost? it was so long and with emotion... sigh... i hate this when blogger acts this way!
Here comes the cold! These are wonderful photos. I am looking forward to winter fun.
hi! thanks for visiting my blog.....of course we can xlinks..i will add you now and follow your blog too. kindly add me and follow my blog...thanks!
Hi Louella, thanks for visiting back!
Hi Webbigurl/Rogue... I'll be lloking forward for that post of yours about tutorial coz i definitely need it hehehe..
Our house..ahhhh, we're in.... hahaha.. its in west virginia..
Yeah, I think most of the people gets cracked skin when the weather is too cold...
Hi Richard, thanks for the visit and comment... I'll sure do tell Rose..
Hi Sandy, I think most of the people don't like cold season hahaha...
Hi Addete, i am following your blog now.. and will add you too..
Hi Joops, beautiful pics. We outside now all white. Had our first snowfall day before. Looks like it's going to be white till Spring.
Its chilly today, -9'c.
Have a great weekend, Joops, Lee.
Ah snow! I've never experienced it but it sure looks like fun.
Thanks for the visit Joops. I hope you're having a good weekend there in Korea even if it's getting a bit cold.
I am back just to see if my prior comments were in! And they are! I thought they were lost...
Anyway, you have answered my question as well, okay in west virginia... your residence is so cold..heheh... how about there Korea by now?
Hmmm..just tiday it has snowfall big snowballs but they just melt so fast because it rains here alot so i guess no chance to have that thick snow like what you have in there...
oh wow..lots of visitor here! im late...
Hehehe! You missed the snow! I never experienced indulging into snow in my life. Well, it should be fun to make those snow angels!
I guess that even as an adult, I would still love to play with snow.
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