Sunday, November 30, 2008

Its FUN to be a Teacher

Recently I began teaching English at a local Korean elementary school. It is part of the U.S. Navy's Community Relations Program which is sponsored by the base chapel. I volunteer my time so that I can help the kids, let them get familiar with American style English speaking, and because I want to get involved in the community. I didn't replace the existing teacher, I just show up once a week as a guest to their class. The kids are great and the teacher is really nice. I didn't realize teaching could be this much fun. The classroom is set up pretty much the same way that it is in the U.S. but these kids work on English from the time they are very small and up through college. The teacher warned me that the kids can be a bit wild at I provoke the wildness and try to get them into our session. The kids are very respectful and most approach me at the end of class and thank me for being there.

56 Smart Readers SAID::

Borneo Falcon said...

I been part time teacher before and it was fun and challenging

PaJAY said...

yeah!!! its always fun being a teacher..

and seems like those kidz have a snappy teacher in you huh...great job dude..

Anonymous said...

wow good job, jhonny! hehhehe....never thought Rose married a teacher...hehehe..hubby was once a high school teacher as well...:) keep it up!

Anonymous said...

That is so great of you Joops to volunteer as an English teacher even once in a week. I have learned not too many koreans are good of speaking english... I used to watch their movies or kdramas and some of them are afraid to be asked by foreigner especially when speak english... In Cebu Philippines a lot of Koreans went there just to learn for it. Oh well, Congrats on teaching them! You will be such a great help! You may keep it up!

Mel Avila Alarilla said...

Teaching is a noble profession- one that molds characters of students. Someday your imprints on their souls will have a profound effects both on the teacher and students. Thanks for the post. God bless you always.

faye said...

keep it up teacher johnny!

Allen's Darling said...


Its fun i guess... Its a noble job. Being teacher is not easy. So have a good time there...

Cecile said...

wow, wasn't that fun, Joops, I always want to do this kind of volunteer as English teacher.

great job, teacher, joops :-)

Cecile said...

sorry joops, that was my son's blog i was logged on to. this is cecile ;-)

Malou said...

was here tonight reading your posts :-)

Wengss said...

wow, teacher profession is challenging,be proud of it.

Anonymous said...

I cannot imagine a more worthy proffesion. To be the one teacher that inspired a child to make the most of his/her talents.

I should imagine that the Korean kids were a damn sight more respectful than the sorry sights and sounds that can be seen and heard in most western schools.

Jasmine said...

Wow, that must be a lot of fun. :)
And very rewarding.

Winnie said...

kudos for you =)

escape said...

wow! it's nice to know that you're enjoying it although it's just a part time job.

is there a language barrier when you teach the korean kids?

sunny said...

wow! salute you buddy! yep, it's fulfilling! It's a noble profession! thumbs up man!

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pchi said...

I am happy you had fun!

it is! hehe

Cecile said...

here visiting again :-0 have a nice day tomorrow!

Tikno said...

Wow... handsome teacher!

Maricel DeMaio said...

That's good.... and goodluck. Thanks for visiting my blog...

Cely said...

Yehey!!!! being a teacher is always fun if you know how to live with it... it makes you grow younger LOL!

iceah said...

hi there sir Joops c:

Anonymous said...

i'm wondering who got that that snap for you John... YOu look so perfect teacher huh!

It is indeed fun but mine was and still are mostly tutorials for kids... only once i volunteered for high school students ans a few times with Korean students in the Philippines.

But sadly, someone noted in this post that my grammar sucks and now I think I should think twice before accepting offers to teach! hahahah... sad life for me...

Anonymous said...

visiting your blog today to wish you a good day! stay happy! maxi of

by the way, i find teachers cool! they have this overflowing patience in them!

Pau-pau said...

Hi! Thanks for the message that you left for me, it calmed me and it made me think. They say teaching is the most noble profession, because without them there would be no doctors, lawyers etc. It was nice to hear that you enjoy your teaching stint! Keep it up!

EJ said...

Hi Borneo, yeah I can say that teaching is a noble profession..

EJ said...

Hi Pajay, i was happy that the children cooperated with me hehehe.. They actually listened and interacted with me..

EJ said...

Hi dhemz, oh wow, you and rose must have had a sisterhood, you have a lot of similarities hehehe..

EJ said...

Hi Dauphine, thanks for sharing your opinion about koreans... In here, most of them are like that too. They avoid you if you ask them something...

EJ said...

Hi Mel, you're so correct on that because I can still remember those valuable lessons that my elementary teachers had taught me

EJ said...

Thanks Faye!

EJ said...

Hi Allen's Darling, I guess it all depends on your willingness to teach. If you like it, its easy but if you don't of course it will be hard

^^ said...

ohh, that's so nice of you to volunteer as a teacher.. I can tell from the pictures you had fun!!

Kudos to you man, and keep em coming!!

Anonymous said...

I'm so proud of you hon!

EJ said...

Hello Cecille, if you come here in Korea, you're gonna love it... they need volunteers that can teach english

EJ said...

Thanks for dropping by Malou!

EJ said...

Hi Weng, I agree with you! How's your vacation there in PI?

EJ said...

You're absiolutely right Moannie, they are very respectful and very interactive too... Yeah, I commend all teachers who really give their innermost time teaching and honing children's mind..

EJ said...

Hi Jasmine, it was indeed hehehe.. thanks for visiting..

EJ said...

Thanks Winnie!

EJ said...

A little bit dong ho, they barely say english but they tell you the basic..

EJ said...

Hi Sunny, thanks a lot for always visiting and commenting..

EJ said...

Oh wow, that's very nice of you Ms. Gengen. I would like to take your offer if it won't be a hassle to your schedule hehehe.. Thank you so much!

EJ said...

Thanks for visiting and commenting Pchi and Cecille..

EJ said...

Thanks Tikno and maricel deMaio..

EJ said...

I agree with you Cely, I think no matter profession you have as long as you enjoy doing it, you'll not gonna go older fast hehehe..

EJ said...

Hello Iceah, thanks for visiting..

EJ said...

Hi Webbiegurl.. The teacher was the one who took the picture hehehe..

Oh, is that really, who said that... Whoever said that must be envious of you hehehe..

EJ said...

Hi Maxi, thanks for dropping by..

EJ said...

Hi paupau, am glad you're okay now.

EJ said...

hi grace, thank you for the kind words!

Tiff said...

What an awesome life experience to teach in another country...very cool...

zebzeb said...

is visiting you, ...... nice nice. :P

Chie Wilks said...

Teacher are really great because without them we will learn nothing.

By the way i added u already check it at my blogroll

Anonymous said...

OMG! That is so amazing Joops. Teaching is really fun and i miss that. Good job and may you have more enjoyable learning inter-action with your pupils.

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