As you may all know, me and Rose attended a ball on the 25th last month. It turned out well, although wifey cannot enjoy it as much as she'd like too because of the kids. But anyhow we took a lot of pictures of us. We also snapped some on the memorabillia that they gave us. Each of us got a coin as a souvernier which has the theme for the occasion that says ...Past, Present & Future. It was the 233rd US Navy Birthday Ball. Here's the coins:

I also like the ice sculpture of the sailor that they made.
Here's my and wifey goofing around lol..

My friends and I..

Me and my sweet Rose..

reception area...

26 Smart Readers SAID::
keep ur memorabillia johnny..
for rye and ej in the future...each of them have 1 coins.
Those coins look so good in the snap, I simply love all your snaps.. now i think wish i was a sailor too
it so good that you are back my friend,was so happy to see the pictures of that ball in your loves' blog too...welcome back
Yeah I will Faye, my wife is very good in keeping things!
Well, you can still be a sailor cheth, you still young right..
Thanks Amy, I feel great having a chance to blog again hehehe..
I think you are a lucky man in this world. Success in career, have a pretty wife and happy family. All that CANNOT be bought by money.
Thanks so much for the reward. I added your blog in my friends list too.
By the way... will you join the action of millions blogger around the world. They will raise their voices on behalf of millions voiceless refugees on November 10th, 2008.
I already creates a post for that.
thanks a lot tikno. I am indeed a very lucky man, I am blessed with a loving wife and beautiful kids..
I'll take a look on that..
The pictures told us how much you enjoyed your evening ;-)
Nice pics guys!
Great pics! I keep hubby's coins/awars too..some of them were framed..hehhe..Hubby was a sailor before and now he's in the AF reserve.
i am glad you have more pictures together :-) those coins looks very nice, you should keep it for you kids someday :-0
thanks for the visit; will update your url on my other blog :-) have a nice day you all :-)
you really deserves each other nice pose, God bless.
nice pictures and of course the coins hehe.
BTW I am now your follower.
hello Joops ..
welcome back ...
GBy and fam
hey joops, droppin by....very nice souvenier. You and rose look so good at the pic, happy couple!
well, im back ....whats new? Just posted about mccain's speech awhile ago,hmmm...nothin' much to hubby was sad...
Hi Malou, yeah we tried to enjoy it although worried..
Oh is that really demz? wow, I thought he is in the air force only.
Rose keep all of 'em!
Hi Cecille thanks for updating my url... Yeah we got a chance to have pictures together..
Thank you very much Ms. Merlyn!
Thanks for following me Weng! i'll do the same!
Thanks for dropping by Laurencia..
Hey Man, thanks.. appreciate that!
Hi Amy, I understand why your hubby is sad, am disappointed! Thanks for dropping by, weill drop by there later..
i like that ice sculpture too!..hey you're an ET? my hubby is a GM..
those coins are cool..the chaplain that baptized my daughter collects coins & i gave one from my hubby's ship..
yup we'll see what obama can do..hope he doesnt screw us least we get our 3.9 raise in january. maybe that's our last raise? haha i hope not!
I can tell that you guys are happy with each other and are blessed to have such a wonderful happy family.
Anyway, thanks for visiting my blog.
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