Not only that, but you have no idea of what the job entails, what materials are used and how long the job takes from start to finish. Thankfully, with today's Internet focus, all the above factors can be settled before you get into a mess with an unreliable or unscrupulous .
The article below names just a few of the many things you can do to help protect yourself as a homeowner.
Start With The Obvious: Word-Of-Mouth Recommendations
Starting with your family, friends, co-workers or neighbors, find out their experiences, if any, with general contractors. It's the best way to know their past record working on various types of jobs.
Don't depend on some review web sites for good ratings, many web sites haven't had an update for ever so long. Unfortunately, top ratings given by some web sites are many times paid ads for top page placement.
Doing Your Own Research
The experience in your kind of project; a dossier of satisfied clients; and how familiar is the contractor with local authorities and regulations, all help lead to a good experience with your project.
Getting It All Down In Writing
Get everything down in writing that you can: the materials used, insurance, warranties, proof of bonding, certification and of course, a signed, dated final price.
Go To A Reputable Internet Portal
At superior online portals or directories such as Remodeling Contractor, you'll find extensive listings of every kind of home improvement contractor work imaginable. Listed according to category such as drywall, masonry or electricians, you'll come to a special online quote service form.
Having filled out and submitted an online form, contractor quotes begin arriving at the inquirer's email address--with no commitment whatsoever required of the homeowner.
If you like the quotes, then follow-thru with a simple phone call. If you don't like the quote, then simply disregard it, and move on to the next one.
With the quotes that you like best, you can then interview and meet with the contractor who normally comes to your property. You can then ask more questions, and get more specific questions answered.
Never allow yourself to feel pressured at any time. Nor should you give any money in advance setting yourself up for a possible scam. One more thing--choose wisely.
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