Thursday, February 12, 2015

My Son's Favorite Blanket

I went to church today and attended the mass that the Kindergarten class  was spearheaded.  The kindergarten did a great job with their reading and singing, they even danced in front of us, they truly made my day.  Looking at them and how little they are, it reminds  me how quick time passes by.  It seems like it was just yesterday  when I had my son but suddenly he  has grownup.  He had his first confession last night and he was very nervous.  We were all there to support them  but he got through it just fine.  

I kind of miss when my babies are still little.  One of my favorite picture of my son that I always look back to is the one below when I awaken him with the flash of the camera.  I was trying to take a photo of him as he was peacefully taking a nap  and he woke up and cried lol.  The blanket that he  is holding is his very favorite blanket till now.  He is now 8 years old but still uses his baby blanket.  I guess he find comfort whenever he sleeps with it.  
Having babies at home is just pure happiness.  You get to wrap them up  with the most comfortable Blankets from Tesco that you and your  family bought before  the baby arrive and it's a lot of excitement.  It's amazing how life evolves.  I sure do enjoy being a stay at home Mom  specially now that my children are still in the stage where they want  us.  I am sure, as I heard a lot of this from other parents, time will come that they would distance themselves from the parents trying to find their own individuality.  For now, I just want to enjoy them under my care.  I maybe missing  great opportunities out there career-wise, but I wouldn't trade it for the best paying  job in the world.  Being a Mom is awesome!

19 Smart Readers SAID::

MikiHope said...

Poor little guy--Big Bad Mom woke him up with a big flash!! I'm sure he got over it by now!!! Time sure does fly doesn't it. Both of your children are getting so big now--with some kind of luck they will always kind of need you (they will you know-they just won't admit it for about 5 years!)

Lynndee said...

Aww, such a cutie even though he looks a little grumpy. Time really flies by, right? I can't believe my son is turning 12 next month. Like, really?! Makes me feel old. LOL.

Alli Smith said...

Time DOES fly in a blink of an eye. Seems like yesterday my kids were toddling around and now my youngest is 27. He's a cutie pie!

Anonymous said...

I love being a SAHM too. My daughter is 2 1/2 so I am enjoyed every second she is in mommy mode. :)

Michelle F.

Liz Mays said...

I miss having babies at home too. It's fun to be able to talk about stuff with them now that they're older though.

Unknown said...

I don't have kids but with little cousins or friends with kids , sometimes Im like wait weren't you just 2 and now they are 12. Kids definitely remind you how time goes by fast.

Unknown said...

What a cutie your son is. My daughter had a favorite blanket till she was about 17!

Franc said...

It's nice that he still have his security blanket. We all had that growing up.

Vidya said...

oh! your son is adorable! so cute that he is so attached to his blanket :)

Jenny @cookeatgo said...

My kids all have a blanket from when they were little they still love! They grow up way to fast!

Unknown said...

I totally had my favorite blanket growing up! My son doesn't have one yet, but I bet he will!

Peachy @ The Peach Kitchen said...

Ang cute ni Mr. Burrito when he was a baby! Time really flies mommy Rose at magbibinata na ang baby boy mo.

Bonnie G said...

Awww he is so cute. =) My kiddos never had a favorite blanky when growing up but did have a favorite teddy bear, etc. =)

Ron Leyba said...

We all have our own favorites. My daughter got this favorite pillow that she owns since he was 1 year old. Until now, she have it and she love it.

Rebecca Swenor said...

It is true they will distance themselves but they will still want you there for them. I miss my boys being little. Time flies by so fast so enjoy it while you can. Thanks for sharing.

Kiwi said...

I think I had a favorite blanket for a while too. Your son was so adorable!!

Bailey K. | Travel Heals said...

I'm not a mom, so I can't relate completely, but I first became an aunt when I was 11 and helped raise her since my sister was so young when she had her daughter. My niece just turned 18 and it's so crazy to think that she's about to go to college! It seems like just yesterday she was in elementary school!

Maureen said...

Awww so adorable and cute! :D I miss it too when my son was little.

mail4rosey said...

It is exciting to have that special blanket. All four of my kiddos have their best/favorite blankets in their baby boxes so they can have them as keepsakes. :)

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