Tuesday, September 11, 2012

In the Window

My daughter and I did a little  decorating at our kitchen window.  Most of this are just small projects that we did at home.  Pardon for the not-so-clear window, it was raining when I took the photos.  I admire people that has ingenuity in them because they can invent things  and make it work but since I don't have that trait, all I could do is improvise and use things that I have.
Dried rose that Mr. Burrito picked from the garden and was given to me.  He also found this  little bottle in the woods so I filled it with colorful sand.
The  flowers that me and Ms. Burrito made out of  candy  wrappers. 
I bought this one in Korea.  They have a 1,000 won store, the korean version of a dollar store. 
To complete the  look, we  hanged the pot holders that she made  especially for me.
A Photo a Day # 276
-My challenge to update this blog daily-

17 Smart Readers SAID::

Liz said...

Cute naman ng mga projects nyo. Have a fabulous week.

Liz @ MLC
Liz @ YACB

SmilingSally said...

Thanks for sharing your beautiful blues.

Happy Blue Monday, Rose.

Chie Wilks said...

wow, it is very creative of you too. thanks for visiting sis Rose

Chie of Whims and Craze

Marleen said...

I like the pot holders!

Leovi said...

Lovely photos.

Tito Eric said...

Very creative! And they add much joy in the room, too.

Carol said...

Lovely window arrangement!

maria said...

I like the yellow rose. Happy RT2.

Mine's here.

Anonymous said...

very creative.

Roger Owen Green said...

ROG, ABC Wednesday team

MERYL JAFFE, PhD - parent, psychologist, teacher, author... said...

What creative, thoughtful decorations!!

Meoww said...

Wonderful projects and creative too! Busy bees you are :)

Kranky Granny said...

Delightful window of memories. What better to look at each day then the love of your children and your travels.

Ann said...

Ingenious I must add.

Jil~Say It With Roses said...

You did a wonderful job and your window sil looks amzing! Good Job!
♥ Jil

Maboe said...

You have so many blogs, it´s impossible to find the right one.....

Chubskulit Rose said...

You may comment in any of my blogs, that's fine. That's one reason I leave a link in my comment so you can directly go to the post I want you to comment. Thanks for visiting.

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