Thursday, April 5, 2012


I took these shots using my Samsung Galaxy phone one morning when I walked my daughter to school.  I did not like the first shot because it had my finger   blocking the whole view so I took another one.  I like the line that the  sunlight created on the photos.
A Photo a Day # 95
-My challenge to update this blog daily-

36 Smart Readers SAID::

genie said...

I have been having the worst time today getting pictures to come up on people’s blogs. All I get is a white square with a question mark in it. It happened at school on a different computer and now it is doing the same thing at home. Will try again later. So sorry. genie

Marites said...

Oh, can't see your photo. I hope nothing's wrong. Will try again later but my MYM is up here.

Chie Wilks said...

lovely shot. so pretty of the sunset.

visiting from MYM

Reader Wil said...

Very unusual but exquisite shot, Rose!

Chubskulit Rose said...

Thanks Wil!

Carver said...

Gorgeous sunrise shot.

Carol said...

Beautiful!! Love the sun rays shooting out like pretty.

Leovi said...

Yes, I love this beautiful sunrise, delicious sunshine. Greetings.

magiceye said...

wonderfully captured flare!

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

Tell you what those are great photos you took with your camera.

Unknown said...

Beautiful! Great presentation!
Pia xx

Joe Todd said...

Love the sky and sun. Have a great weekend

Anonymous said...

Stunning shot!

Valladolid Daily Photo said...

Really beautiful. A great way to begin your day.

Unknown said...

Iphones take good photos now. That is a great shot Mommy Rose. ^_^


Wibbo said...

Pretty! I love sunrises and sunsets :o)

Mona's Picturesque said...

Beautiful *sigh*

Anonymous said...

Great shot! Thanks for stopping by my blog.

Clueless in Boston said...

Great shot from a camera phone. As for the first shot with the finger in the way, I would have pretended I never took that picture :) and it would never have seen the light of day (so to speak). Have a good weekend.

Anonymous said...

Brilliant !!

HansHB said...

Great shot, - perfect post!

Jan said...

Very interesting capture. Love the outlines of the trees too, as ours are mostly evergreens.

Yes I appreciate no Word Verification too.

Erika Price said...

Wow, that is amazing - can't believe you took that with a phone! Thanks for stopping by Erika's blog, have a great weekend!

Valerie said...

Beautiful captures (notwithstanding the "fingerprint"!). I too often take pictures with my Samsung Galaxy phone - it's more convenient to carry when I'm out walking my dog - and have been very pleased with the results. Thanks for visiting my blog. Happy weekend.

Anuradha Shankar said...

oh the wonders of a mobile phone!!! we do so much more with it than just talk!! lovely photo!!

Spare Parts and Pics said...

I love the flare line on this photo! Happy Skywatch Friday, and thanks so much for your kind comments on my blog.

eden said...

Great shots.

Gattina said...

Looks gorgeous !

Kateri said...

Love the ray of light that the camera caught!

Lina Gustina said...

Like it too, Rose. Give me warm feeling :)

Thanks for dropping by.

NatureFootstep said...

I like the sunbeams too. :)

The Write Girl said...

Beautiful! I love that brilliant sun beaming through the sky. Your phone takes great pictures.

SandyCarlson said...

Whoa! These are gorgeous.

Melbourne Australia Photos said...

Lovely shot! Great quality from a phone camera!

Mildred said...

Thanks for sharing;o)

Happy day****

Kranky Granny said...

For a phone shot this is amazing. I can't trust my phone to provide anything worth keeping.

Think I will research your phone for when mine needs replacing.

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