Thursday, June 23, 2011

Bird's Food

I found a cheap food for the birds at Busy Beaver so I bough a set.  It says on the  package that it would attract wild birds.  The regular visitors at our backyard are sparrows, robins, and  starlings  but when I put the  food out, I saw  a bright colored woodpecker and  cardinals.  Too bad my camera is so slow that I wasn't able to capture them.
It is so nice to be able to sit in our porch swing and watch these critters enjoy   flying back and forth.
Have a great weekend everyone!

20 Smart Readers SAID::

LivingSoAbundantly said...

Excellent capture of the bird flapping its wing!

Kim, USA said...

They love suet Mommy Rose and 1 is not enough they fight and mostly the woodpecker wins because they are bigger than the other ones. It's very nice to watch them actually. Happy Friday!


Thomas Lee said...

Nice birds in your backyard.

Stewart M said...

Hi - A yard with out birds is really very dull I think!

Cheers Stewart M

""rarejonRez"" said...

I love those blooms! I can look at them again and agan and will never get tired! So beautiful! Those birds are so precious, too! :)

My Pinks:
Blooms on my Last Day of Class
Pink in the Mirror
Hope to see you! Thanks and have a great weekend!

Dhemz said...

ang cute naman to sis....:) similar tayo nang post...ehehhee!

Stef said...

Nice captures! I love the birds! A late visit from PF. Here is my entry . Thanks!

Wanda said...

We love watching and feeding our birds.

Your pictures are really amazing.

amiable amy said...

oh i love the flowers...booming and blooming...

Iowa Gardening Woman said...

Nice feeder shots.

i beati said...

gorgeous all of it !!Sandy

Unknown said...

i wish i have a backyard for a birdbath or bird-feeder. the blooms are beautiful.

visiting from Today's Flowers.

Jama said...

The blooms are so pretty, any idea what it's name?

Ever Green Tree said...

Interesting post! You have a beautiful outdoor space n awesome collection of plants :)

BernieH said...

Beautiful blooms and great bird shots too. I love the fact that there's so much life in our gardens.

DeniseinVA said...

Lovely post and a great combination of cute little birds and pretty flowers.

Cheerful said...

lovely blooms...i love your place! just perfect. have a great week. :)

Arija said...

Love your double oriental poppies.

Mel Alarilla said...

Your house is becoming a haven for wild birds. You are like Kim (Kim, US) who is constantly feeding birds at her place. Your flowers are really blooming and they are so beautiful and colorful. Thanks for the post. God bless you all always.

Chubskulit Rose said...

Thanks KuyaMel!

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