Saturday, February 6, 2010

Snow so Deep

I have never seen snow this deep since I was very little. I was told by my neighbor that it was worse in 1997 when a blizzard hit the area, but I was basking in the sun in Guam in 1997 and missed all of the fun. It took me about 2 hours to shovel the front walk, driveway, stairs, front porch, back porch, and the patio. This snow was wet and heavy and after moving about 5 tons of it, my back is sore.

My daughter (aka my little helper) always wants to help me whenever I shovel the snow. She loves playing in the snow too. We were going to make an igloo today but the temperature outside is around 10 degrees f. Once it warms a little, we will begin our project. She had a lot of fun playing with Champ.
It's always a treat to see our dog jump into the snow and completely disappear. Being a Jack Russell, he is good at digging and tunneling and has little problem getting out. He did manage to lose a couple his "baby teeth" trying to grab the shovel while I was slinging snow.

21 Smart Readers SAID::

teJan said...

Waaaah!! oooshhh..same here john..huhuh. Its always hard for me everymorning.

have a great day inspite:)

Mel Alarilla said...

There's just so much snow there that one would think you are living in Alaska, lol. There must be tons of snow in your driveway which you had to shovel. Definitely, that will cause a king size sore on your back. It's nice that you had an angel helper to do the job, lol. When the weather gets a little bit tolerable you can always start your little igloo with your darling angel. And you also had a wonder dog to help you do the hard chore, lol. Thanks for the post. God bless you all always.

☆Mama Ko☆ said...

Thats the same words my husband said to me. its like history.

ruby said...

we had almost 3 ft of snow aand lost power for 14 hours here in MD..

ruby said...

we had almost 3 ft of snow aand lost power for 14 hours here in MD..

tx sweetie said...

wowwwwwwwww that's so freakin' thick snow..the only thing we cannot have here in Texas.. pls hurl some to me!!!!

David said...

i wish we have snow here even if it just 2 inches....

Kim, USA said...

That's a lot of snow and here in MI we don't have that much, but it is still cold, always below 30F. ^_^


Boo-Bah AKA Iris said...

It looks very cold! Pretty though.


SmilingSally said...

Brr, I feel for you. Happy Blue Monday.

Diann said...

It's so weird to see the south getting so much snow and us in the north are not getting any. But, we are staying at temps thatar elow freezing. snow would be welcomed because that would mean it was a little warmer outside!

black eyed susans kitchen said...

Your pictures are adorable, but I am sooo tired of the fluffy white stuff and we are getting more tomorrow night. I am ready for Spring time.

Gorgeous MUM said...

Whew, what a snow fall! That was a hard job! Good to know everything you do is a family effort.

rjs mama said...

dropping by from manay rose's blog. poor doggie, next time don't let him bite the shovel :)

rylie is sooo cute. goodluck on your igloo project.

RJ's day to day activities
Journal of RJ's mom

Tink *~*~* said...

Wow, that's deep - it looks like it's almost up to your butt! I hope you guys don't get slammed again like that.

Tink *~*~*

Mariposa said...

Wow! I just don't think I'd survive it.

Mommy Liz said...

Wow! too much snow, reminded me of a blizzard in Indiana in 1998 that even the plow truck collapsed on the side of the road. Glad I live here in Alabama now, where there's not a lot of snow..We didn't have any this year.

It's always nice to shovel when you have little helpers..Yey!!

Anonymous said...

We got another dumping of snow here in Colorado this past weekend to. Spring will be a welcome sight when it finally decides to arrive!!


nice A said...

Is that Rye, your helper?
It's the opposite here in our part of the world - sooo hot! So I love any pictures of snow.

Sharkbytes said...

I know the snow is a lot of work, but it sure is fun!

bj said...

WHOA...that is a LOT of snow..
Joops, be careful while shoveling that heavy wet stuff..if your heart is giving you trouble, they say this is one of the worst things you can do!!
Your little girl is adorable.

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