Summer is so much fun, there are lots of things to do outdoors, especially for the children. I just don't like the fact that our house is located near the wood line of a mountain because we are surrounded by a lot of mosquitoes which continuously feast on my kids blood when they are outside.

21 Smart Readers SAID::
passing by here johnny
nice playground...
it is the same here mosquitoes are very annoying when it comes to summer enjoyment. summer is mosquito season.
it is so true that filipino men especially those living in the farm are very good coconut/tree climbers. hehehe.. you remind me of my uncle and even my dad before, they used to climb the coconut tree just to mainly get the coconut sap to be used for making tuba (coconut wine)..hehehe
Hi there! I am finally getting caught up on all of my blogging...great post! I might seem ignorant, but I really never knew that filipino's are good at climbing. That was very interesting to learn!
I also liked your post on rain barrels; My Grandma used to talk about how they used those, and how some of their neighbors would put screens on top of their wooden barrels so that leaves, sticks, etc., wouldn't get in their water. :)
Beautiful World.
cool pics sis. I'm not a good climber myself. I don't want to get hurt that's why I don't even want to try it lol. My son is opposite of me though. I think kids are like monkeys they like climbing lol.
hi john, thanks for visiting my site.
when i was a kid, i used to climb to all kinds of tress, except coconut tree,lol.
my nieces would love that playground!!!
That blood sucker mosquitoes are so annoying. Your kids has a nice skin don't let the pesky mosquitoes ruin it.
Thanks for the comment. She is indeed so HOT. I'm glad that I'm not the only one admires her sexiness and beauty. Hope I can see her in person but I guess I can't handle it because I might collapse..!hahahaha
your daughter is really cute.. :)
i wonder why you aren't in my blog list yet!! grrrr. i will link u up now!!
see yah!
Cute and active kids. My kids loved the monkey bars...Have you tried any mosquito repellant?
Wow, didn't know that Rose can climb coconut tree with ease. That's pretty impressive! I guess not too many Filipinos have that ability.
love to see the kiddies on the play ground...what fun
thx 4 coming by...
have a great remainder of the week
Summer is fun indeed. Except here where I get poison ivy, ticks, fleas, chiggers and all those nasty things. Ugh! hehehe.. have fun and stay cool!
sure, let her come and we can eat some dried fish..have a good wednesday..
hello..greetings to u.. first time coming by here.. your template is very nice.. of course, your posts too, very cute kids you have too..
do drop by and keep in touch.. thanks..
whoa! i read my husband's comment.. i guess you both are referring to megan fox! i know she is hot but there are articles circulating the web that she is a GAY :) wehehehehh BEH! LOL
anyways i tag u
grab it when u have time!
hahahahaha! i remember when i was at their age, i was a good climber then...pili and guava tress were my favorites,hehehehe! take care bud and regards to ur wifey and angels!
Isn't that amazing that Rose can easily climb trees, even coconut trees? She came from the province in the Philippines and most children there play by climbing trees to pick up ripe fruits. Looks like your kids took on the climbing prowess of their mom. Thanks for the post. God bless you always.
John, not just you in summer.. we in Malaysia are constantly haunt by them... my Princess got bites all over! I am using the J&J mozzie lotion to avoid this when we are out!
I enjoyed looking at your pictures. our mosquitoes are out now and they are no fun. I am glad your children can climb without fear. Have a great week.
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