Saturday, September 16, 2017

Organic Veggie Garden

With all the projects that we did  this summer at our new home and with the effort to get it done before the weather gets cold again, I started my veggie garden very late.  All off my tomatoes are still green and I have only picked  a couple of ripe ones.  I am not sure if  it's going to  get ripen before the cold weather settles in but I am hopeful.  I had to start  and cultivate a new  vegetable garden  so I am not sure which part of the yard has a healthy soil so I am  kind of experimenting this year.
The pear-shaped  tomatoes that I planted  is doing great and has given has a lot of fruits already.
This is my first time  trying to grow  kiwi fruits.  Kiwi takes  few years before they bear fruit so we will see how it grows.   It has since grew  bigger and thicker.  I made some  bamboo trellis for them to crawl on.  
All the plants I planted at this side of the porch are doing well so I am guessing that the ground is fertile but  it might have been because I  mixed the compost that we had been making ever since we   moved into this home.  
The kohlrabi grew so well and the  peppers have so many fruits in them.  I just hope that they will mature in time  before  we get  frost.  
Even the simplest design of trellis at the store is a bit expensive so I just gather materials in the garage and   from the bamboos outside and made  my own.  It might not be as pretty as the store bought but   as soon as the plants crawl on it, it doesn't really matter. 
I wanted to hide the graffiti on the wall by planting a clematis and   morning glories.  Again, gathering some scrap wood from our  garage to use as a border for the side of the house vegetable garden.  I planted  some cucumbers, tomatoes, and asparagus on this side.  I picked some cucumbers already but they didn't do so well.  Probably because  the sunrise light doesn't get to this part of the yard and only the afternoon sunlight get to it.  Did you know that too much heat or lack of water can cause the cucumber fruit to   be bitter?
Although I am the only one that  eats bitter melon at our home, I still planted some because I have friends that likes it.  I also cook it whenever I am missing home,  it reminds me of my Dad's dishes.
For some reason, I don't have any luck with cabbage.  I always  attempt to  plant some but they never grew as I expect them to.  So this might be the last attempt I am making lol.
I have sweet potatoes in the pot so I transferred them in the ground so it can grow well and  it does.  A colleague love  it  so she buys them to me and makes it makes it into juice.
I planted some habanero but did not do good.  I will try again next year, maybe the  soil will be a little healthier and they would  grow well but we will see.  All I can do is try and try.
I have one  eggplant that I planted at the other side of the house but due to lack of sunlight, it wasn't growing well so I  transferred it to the other side and it is now blooming.
I also  planted some asparagus.  Just like kiwi, asparagus also takes  a few years  before  you can start harvesting so I am looking forward to seeing them grow.  Hopefully we can enjoy  it in the years to come.  My family  loves asparagus so it would be awesome if we can eat what we grow.  
As of today, the tomatoes are still green but everything grew thicker.  There would be no canning for me this year but hopefully, I can  plant my veggies   a little early next year so  it can bloom in time.
Hopefully this post will inspire you to start your own garden.  It is easily to buy  produce from the store but it is better to harvest and your own homegrown veggies.   You are certain of what you are giving to your family.  I love growing our own veggies because it is healthier as I don't use any pesticide or any chemicals  to it.  Even our compost is natural so it is all good.  I admit, gardening takes time  and a lot of patience but in the end it pays off when you are harvesting what you planted.  

17 Smart Readers SAID::

Stacie @ Divine Lifestyle said...

I love that you lined your veggies up by the sunny side of your house like that. People think you need some kind of huge plot to farm on, but you really don't.

Unknown said...

I am always so impressed with your gardens! I was always amazed at how long it can take asparagus to grow.

Marysa said...

You have a lot of veggies planted! My trees have been growing a lot and providing too much shade, so I am now limited to some pots of tomatoes, as they actually do quite well in pots (they like warm roots). I have wanted to plant asparagus, but they need quite a bit of space.

Melissa said...

I love the way the tree parts look in the garden. I use the branches to be markers in the garden but I never thought to put the slices in sideways, I love that idea!

Unknown said...

What a beautiful garden you have!! I do not have the patience for some fruits. We are working on making homemade tellices though. Every year we try to add something new. You have provided a lot of inspiration.

ricci said...

Your garden looks great!! I always say that I'm going to plant a garden but somehow never get around to it. Oops!!

Jocelyn @ Hip Mama's Place said...

I love it! It looks like your garden is coming together nicely. It's awesome to be able to grow your own veggies at home and you're sure that there aren't pesticides or chemicals too, because you grew them yourself!

Kathy said...

I love having a garden. Yours looks really nice. It's fun to pick out your own stuff from the garden you made.

Sapphire Kharyzma said...

Your garden looks amazing! I want to do an organic garden as well, so I truly appreciate the tips! I will be using them for mines.

Christy G said...

You might try moving your garden away from the brick. Brick retains heat and most plants don't like it. My grandparents had two gardens but they were in the open. They also would rotate the crops.

Aduke Schulist said...

Organic is the way to go. One day I will figure out how to grow things in my soil. I fail every time I try.

Unknown said...

Wow your garden is beautiful, so many fresh options. I'm totally jealous of your dedication.

Unknown said...

Your garden looks great. I would love to learn how to grow my own foods.

Unknown said...

Your garden looks beautiful! I miss gardening, I had a 20 acre farm and did raised bed gardening!

Aine Garcia said...

You're just like my mom, she has lots of veggies in her garden! I wish I had all the time and patience to grow my own garden like yours.

Jessica Cassidy said...

I am so jealous of your beautiful organic garden Sis. There are so many delicious goodies. I wish that I can plant a garden like that but the deer will eat it.

Mai said...

I super love this post! Kakawala stress!

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