When we first moved in into our new home, I couldn't plant any flower or veggies in our backyard because we did not have a fence. This year, we finally installed a fence around our backyard but it took us a little while before we finished. That's one disadvantage when you are doing a home improvement project by yourself, you tend to work at the pace that you want. With us, it wasn't a matter of how urgent we want it done, it just the fact that we can only do it when we have time since my husband works a full time job and I can only do the parts where I don't need his strength and expertise. I did all the landscaping with my husband's help getting the supplies for me.
A former neighbor told me before (bless his soul) that he doesn't like fences because it divides people. In a way he was right but let's face it, half of your neighbors doesn't really care anyway. Half of them doesn't really know you or even care to get to know you. That is one big adjustment for me when I moved here in the US because from where I came from, everybody knows everybody in the neighborhood. It can be a nuisance but I like it that way. However, I love privacy in my backyard so I always love having a fence around it.
Part of the reason I wanted our backyard fenced in is because I love gardening and it is hard to maintain a good garden when you have a lot of deer and wild rabbits running in and out of your yard trying to eat your plants. Anyway, I chose to use this half log edger for borders. I thought it would match our fence. The stain did not really match the color of our fence but it's okay.The plants I planted along the fence includes the boxwood (photo on top) and First Love Speedwell (bottom pic). The boxwood grows bigger but you can always trim it the way you want.
I also planted a lavender but one of my dogs peed on it and I did not catch it and was not able to rinse it off so it died eventually.
I used to have a lot of dianthus at our old home so I want to have it in my garden again.
Hostas are great border plants so I started some of them along the fence as well.
Another kind of boxwood with white trim on the edges of its leaves.
This is also part of the boxwood family. I thought it's pretty so I lined them up along the green, and the one one on top.
This pardon Me Lily is beautiful when it blooms. I can't wait for it to grow thicker.
This kaleidoscope plant is perfectly growing at the corner of our garage. It's a very good compliment to the color of our potted lemon tree. Does anyone know how long in takes for a lemon tree to bear fruit? I have this for few years now but still not bearing fruit.
I initially planted these mini roses at the side of our driveway but they were not doing so well so I transplanted them in the backyard. They seem to like the ground there and now they are in full bloom.
All of these mini roses were given to me by my kids and hubby for special occasion. I like them more than bouquets. Those half log edger that we bought is costly. They were only few inches long and it cost $4.98 a piece and we needed like 30 of them just enough to cover along the fence.
Although a little costly, I do recommend this kind of edger though because you can decorate, contain, and define with these. It's flexible design allows the edging to be installed in a curved or straight line. Each section of edging comes with stakes which makes the installation easier.
Remember that crab apple tree we cut down at our front yard? I asked my husband to cut it into pieces so I can use them as edger at the side of our back porch. I thought they look beautiful. I actually liked them more than the half log edger that we bought because of the ring design inside the log.
I used the bottom part of the log for a walkway to our little grotto in the backyard. We used to have this Virgin Mary statue at the front yard but I decided to bring them at our backyard.
At first I thought the bigger log cuttings are enough but when we mowed the grass, I found out that it was hard cutting the grass around it.
So that led to another project. I added smaller log cuttings and bought some rocks to cover the entire walkway. My husband bought me a couple of garden log edger to contain the rocks from spreading in the yard.
Looking at our backyard now, I am pleased of the work we have done. The front yard is the one that people see but I love making our backyard look decent because that is where we always hang out during the summer time. I am excited for next year when all the plants are fully grown.
19 Smart Readers SAID::
You've done such a great job with the landscaping. It really compliments your new fence. I really do love that fence. You and your family did a great job!
Your fence and landscaping turned out wonderful. Feeling good to stand back and see what all you have accomplished and good it looks.
Your backyard looks absolutely amazing and the flowering is just perfect. I am loving the kaleidoscope plant
Your yard looks absolutely gorgeous! I need to hire you to do my yard. My yard is literally all dirt and could use all the help they can get.
I LOVE the tree cuttings as the boarder! So beautiful. And it made me laugh about your lavender - my dog does the same stuff! so naughty. beautiful yard!
This looks so wonderful! I wish I were better with planting and yard work. You did an amazing job!
Oh my goodness that is so beautifully landscaped I love how you have used wood in it, it looks like a real place you could relax in.
You have done a beautiful job. I never knew how much went into landscaping until we recently redid our. I have a new respect.
I love this look! It feeds into my ocd of having things nice and neat :)
The fence looks great. We need a new fence next year. Sad thinking about the huge expense to replace old fence but we have a pool so fencing is vital to safety. LOVE what you have done and that half log edger makes me happy. I would use that.
It turned out gorgeous! I just helped my sister put some of this up at her house!
You did a great job! Your landscape is beautiful. I can't wait to get my house so I can do this. I can't wait to try these ideas.
Your garden is looking so nice. Fences do divide people but they also keep gardens well contained so that's a trade off!
This edging looks fantastic. I would love to put it in my front garden. I always like the natural look.
Your garden looks so nice along that fence. I would love to have a garden set up this way.
Your landscaping looks fantastic! Yard work is very time consuming, you should be really proud of how great yours looks!
Your back yard looks really great! Love the fence and the different plants you chose. Can't wait to see how it looks when all the plants are grown.
What a nice project! I want to re-do my backyard, i bought a very expensive garden bed and didn't work out well.
I really like your fence and landscaping looks so gorgeous and neat. You and your family did a great job.
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