Downsizing your home can be tough. Reaching that decision means accepting that your old family home is now too big for you and that it’s time to move on. Some people find that difficult to handle. But in practical terms, downsizing is often exactly the right thing to do. It allows you the chance to live affordably and in a way that suits your own current needs. So, if you’re looking to downsize your home, here is the easy and painless way to do it.
Be Honest With Yourself About What You No Longer Need
You won’t be able to take all your possessions with you when you move to a smaller place. Many people accumulate many possessions when they have been living in the same home for many years. Before you move, you should be frank and honest with yourself about which possessions you want and which you don’t. It will make your move so much easier.
Choose a Home That’s Smaller But Not Too Small
You want a home that is going to be smaller than the one you already have. This is obvious because that’s what downsizing is all about. Having said that, many people get tempted to buy something that’s pretty much the same size as the current one when it comes down to it. This is a trap you should avoid falling into. Remember the reasons why you wanted a smaller home in the first place. But you also need to make sure you have enough space for visitors and family when they stay over. See what’s on offer at places like Mass Home Team, and then take it from there.
Get the Floor Plans of Your Home and Make Plans for Your Furniture
Working out how much furniture you are going to be able to take with you can be a challenge. Going from a large home to a smaller one usually means that you won’t have as much space for furniture. But it’s always hard to tell how much you will be able to fit in the new home. The only proper and accurate way of knowing is to get hold of the floor plans of the new home. These will tell you exactly how much floor space there is in each room. You can then measure your furniture and make plans for how much you will be able to take when you move.
Don’t Throw Anything Away, Profit From It Instead
When you know for sure what you want to keep and what you can get rid of, you need to get rid of the stuff you don’t want. This doesn’t mean simply throwing things out though. You can do a lot better than that. Some of those items might be worth something to someone. And we all know how expensive moving house can be, so why not sell the things you no longer want. Auctions and online auctions can be great for making some fast money from the things you no longer want or need. This money can then be used to cover some of the costs of moving.
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