If I would have given a chance, I could have been an interior designer, a landscape designer, or a photographer. Interior designing, photography, and gardening are the things that I enjoy doing. I may not be reallly good at it but I sure enjoy every minute when I do it. Moving to a new home is such a challenge because you start refiguring out where things should go and what would look good.
Anyway, I am a member of one buy and sell group in Facebook and I A dream to found these 3-set of vases for $15. I bought it and thought that was a great deal since they are in great condition. It's a perfect set to put in one of our corner shelves since I have vases on the other corner as well. I was waiting for someone to post a violin for sale and I finally found one but I was late and it got sold very quickly. I even saw a
slide trumpet for sale in that group. We have very limited budget now that we are paying two mortgages so I am kind of shopping where I can save money.
Again, those three I have mentioned above were all my childhood dreams!
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