Saturday, October 10, 2015

Gardening in the Fall

I haven't been  active in my blogs for the past couple of weeks.  I was very busy  in my garden, removing  tomato vines, rearranging  flowers and  planting  new  fruit trees.  I  dug out all the  hibiscus trees inside the backyard and transferred it  at the back fence.  I am planning to  pressure wash the fence and  paint the inside so it would brighten up our  backyard.  That's one main reason why I removed the  hibiscus  plants that were leaning against the fence.  
 I bought four blueberries and planted it in the flower bed.  I remopved all the hostas  and replaced it with the fruit plants.  Hopefully, this will come back next year, fingers crossed.
 I will be putting some of the compost on this side of the yard to  make the  groud healthierfor the blueberries..
 Some of my carrots are blooming already.  U have never seen a carrot bloom so hopefully, I can germinate some seeds from this one.
 The kale are still doing great so I will leave this as long as the weather  won't let  it grow.  I  freeze four big bags of kale  which will be good for the winter.
 I have a lot of mums in the backyard, I wish I have the other colors though.  I only have this magenta-like  one.
 The grass clippins serves as the  fertelizer for these flowers.
 Tomato vines are out but I still have the okra standing in the garden.  I didn't pick this big okra because I want to  get some seeds out of it.  HOpefully, there's still time for it to mature.
 You see the  trash bags  at the ends.  They are full of tomato vines.  I was going to chop it but it has some cherry tomatoes on it  and I don't want the seeds to grow next year in the  flower bed where I would put the  cut vines.  So I  will dispose all of it to make sure there's none left.  I mean, I don't mind one  cherry tomatoes growing in my garden as they are good for salads but whern there's lots of them, it's not good.
 Here are the last tomatoes I  picked.  It looks like I will have to can  some more.  I originally planned to freeze  them but I have no space in the freezer.
Glad, I got all the gardening done before it gets so cold.

22 Smart Readers SAID::

Stacie @ Divine Lifestyle said...

Your garden looks lovely. I might have to have a fall garden next year!

Masshole Mommy said...

Glad you have so much success with your garden. I don't have one, so I have to schlep to the farmer's market for my veggies.

Jeannette said...

Your garden is beautiful! I wish I had more time to get out and plant veggies because my family would love it but I'm afraid I have a bit of a black thumb.

Sophie's Blogging World said...

Those magenta flowers look so pretty, my nan used to love gardening and planting seeds!

Jaime Nicole said...

Wow you have such a good look to the garden for this fall. The tomatoes look like they are going to be so juicy and delicious - what a great set up you have waiting to be enjoyed!

Michele D said...

Wow! That's a whole lot of tomatoes. Gardens are work but so much fun when you get to eat it all.

Autumn Blues Reviews said...

Very nice garden. We just re-did our yard to make a nice little get away in our own yard along with a garden. I'm starting to get into taking seeds from our plants to start them over the winter. Really looking forward to it.

Megan said...

Wow, you'll have lots to get you through the winter. Great work! It's so satisfying to be able to eat the food you've grown yourself.

Annemarie LeBlanc said...

I wish I had a garden as productive as yours. I know it takes a lot of work to keep your plants healthy, but a great deal of it is you having a green thumb.

Deal Match Maker said...

Beautiful garden.. I have a huge backyard and I've spent more than $300 on plants but didn't make it. Only one tomato plant grew well.

Unknown said...

What a lovely garden! My husband loves doing a bit of fall gardening!

Mykidsguide said...

You have a beautiful garden. That's a lot of tomatoes. I wish I had the space for a garden.

C.Mahan said...

I missed gardening a great deal this year. We thought we were going to move so didn't bother setting it up this year.

Bonnie G said...

Wow, your garden is soo cool, and look at all those tomatoes! Pure awesome.

Unknown said...

Wow you have sure been busy! Those tomatoes look so yummy- nothing like freshly grown produce!

Lynndee said...

Love those mums! I don't have mums in my flower garden. Now, I want to plant some.

Unknown said...

Each time I have tried gardening, I have failed. Yours looks gorgeous!

CourtneyLynne said...

Omg loving your garden!!! So pretty! So wish I had a green thumb and could plant pretty plants without them dying in me lol

krystal said...

I would love to garden more nowadays. There are truly beautiful things that you can grow!

Yona Williams said...

Having a garden is so much fun, and I'm envious of yours and all of that kale. It grew in so well. The blueberry bushes look pretty.

Unknown said...

What a beautiful garden you have! I wish I could garden here in WNY in the fall.

Lisa said...

This reminds me - I need to clean out our garden before we get frost. Its been getting that cold at night!

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