Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Veteran's Day 2014

It's been four years since my husband retired from his 20 years of services in the Navy.  He  was drafted in February 1990 and retired  in  2010.  He sacrificed a lot of being away from his family for 20 years but he is grateful that he joined the military, he said that it molded him of who he is now.
He enjoyed sailing around Asian countries.  He was first deployed in the Philippines.  From there, he was able to work in Japan, Korea, Australia, Guam and other parts of Asia.
Retired Navy 1990-2010
I am just glad that he was almost done with his  services when I met him.  We  were able to experience  his military career for  3 years and then he retired.  It's hard moving from one place to another when you have kids but glad me and my kids have experienced what  their Dad has been doing for 20 years.  

I am bummed out that my husband has to go to work today.  I wish that the company he works for  will give the Veterans a special day off so they could enjoy this  special day.  Unfortunately, not many  recognize the sacrifices that the Veterans did to  serve and protect this country's freedom.  In fact some people  can't stand  men and women in uniform for some reason.  It's very sad but it is the reality.  Not  all people appreciates  what they did/doing.  Sorry for my rant but I hope my rambling make sense.  Happy Veteran's Day!
ABC Wednesday

15 Smart Readers SAID::

Roger Owen Green said...

I do understand your RANT, and you are RIGHT; not everyone appreciates the service.

carol l mckenna said...

Wonderful tribute to our Veterans! Thank you!

Happy week to you,
artmusedog and carol
A Creative Harbor

jo said...

I almost forgot, Happy Veteran's Day! :) Please extend my thanks to your retired loved one and please say thanks for serving too. :)

Nova said...

Happy Veterans day to your husband, it's nice that he finally retired from the service for i know it's really dangerous when you fight for your country and not knowing what's going to happen esp when you have a family and kids behind.

Dhemz said...

happy veterans day to John sis...likewise, USAA didn't even give any special day off...lol!

Unknown said...

I know you have to be very proud of your husband. I thank all of the Veterans and Service men and women who fight and die for our country. The ones who sacrifice the time with families and loved ones. They should be highly honored. I also agree that a Veteran should be able to have this day off with pay as they fought for us so we could be free. They keep us safe. Loved the post.

Unknown said...

Happy Veterans Day and I'm very proud of all the women and men who served our country. My uncle and father in law are both veterans and today is their day.

And yes it's disappointing that people get to work and don't get a free pass unfortunately. We watched the parade in our city, were you able to celebrate yours?

papaleng said...

I salute these men who served the US. they are not just heroes but SUPER HEROES. your hubby is such a good-looking serviceman.

Anonymous said...

Lots of respect to your husband and many many thanks! Over half my family was, is, or planning to be in the service. Your husband is amazing!!

Ni de Aqui, Ni de Alla said...

I hope your husband had a great afternoon after work day! To bad he didn't get the day off! And lets not forget the wives that stay back and take care of the family all those years that the husband does his duty, thank you to you too!

Unknown said...

I hope you all have a great day! My youngest daughter was born on Veterans Day so we also celebrated her birthday. Your husband is amazing for what he has done for our country!

Ashley Gill said...

That is a bummer that he had to work on this day. I don't know what it's like to be a part of a military family other than my father belonging to the service before I was born. I can only imagine my life would be much different now.

Anna said...

It's admirable that your hubby was able to serve the country..and good for you too that he is in the new chapter of his life, more time to you and children..

Dave, Amy and Jace said...

Great tribute for Veterans day! Thanks

Marie said...

It must be amazing to have someone in the family serving the country. they all deserve the honor and this beautiful tribute.

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