I received a letter from my school today and my wife was absolutely delighted. It's a letter from the Dean of the School of Business stating that I made the Dean's List for the Spring 2010 semester. They enclosed this nice certificate to honor my academic accomplishment. My wife consistently made the Dean's list, when she attended college, so now the pressure is on me to do the same. Hopefully, I can keep it up until I graduate.

5 Smart Readers SAID::
Congratulations hon, we are so proud of you. I was only a dean's lister for two semesters, not really consistent hahaha. But thanks for the mention. We love you!
Congratulations Kuya, keep up the good work!
Congratulations John, Thats a good gift for fathers Day.
Was adgitizing and caught this, congratulations!!
Congratulation!! My older dau is a dean's list too, since first year college hope she will thru till she will graduate. She is in 3rd year college (med tech)I know the feelings :) Good luck
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