Saturday, January 30, 2010

Birds of Winter

The other day, a flock of starlings landed in our yard. My wife got excited and ran to get the camera but as soon as she opened the door, they all flew away. Luckily they stopped by at our neighbor's rooftop and she was able to take some photos.
But one brave guy, a robin, was left in our yard and was posing for the camera.
I don't know what kind of nuts there is in the yard that he stayed.
Have a great weekend everyone!

18 Smart Readers SAID::

Carletta said...

I could be wrong but the one in your yard looks like a robin that has returned. I've been watching my yard daily but haven't seen one as of yet.
Carletta’s Captures.

Tink *~*~* said...

Those great big flocks can be very noisy, can't they? It's hard to miss them, even if you are inside and not paying attention! I love your Mary shrine, too - my mom had one and my grandmother. We used to call her "Mary On The Half-Shell" - I hope we're not going to hell for that LOL ;)

Tink *~*~*

Karine said...

Nice shot of the starlings lining the roof! And lucky you if you have a robin at this time of year, we're not going to see them here until at least March! lol

Helena said...

That's a lot of birds on the roof. :) I have to agree with Carletta -- the one in your yard does look like a robin! Thanks for a glimpse of early spring ... everything here is still covered in snow and ice!

eileeninmd said...

Great sighting of the flock of birds. The one left in your yard is a robin.

ksdoolittle said...

Carletta is absolutely right! That is an American Robin!! Yay!

KaHolly said...

Thst certainly is a robin in your bottom pictures!! Lucky you! Thanks for stopping by my blog!

Unknown said...

I know it was freezing here and so in your place I supposed but the wifey had to run outside to take photos, its funny sometimes, that if its cold and you don't want to go out but when you interesting things even if its cold and freezing ahd to get out hehehe. Im also like that if I saw birds in our backyard.

Well, good job rose bakla. thanks for sharing!

DeniseinVA said...

Wonderful photos! I'm always fascinated by these large swarms of birds. They are an amazing spectacle in flight.

Lisa said...

Nice photos!!

Katt said...

I wonder why some birds flock together like that??? and others are like loners??? I saw the most beautiful Red Bird (Cardinal) but all I had was my cell and it just looked like a red
Thanks for stopping by!! Have a wonderful weekend!

Katt said...

The song is Wonderful Tonight by Eric was the 1st song my Hubby and I danced to while dating and also the one we chose as our 1st dance as a couple at our wedding! So I added it especially for Valentines Day!Thanks!!

Phivos Nicolaides said...

Amazing scenery with all these beautiful birds! Great shot!

Filipina Ini said...

Lovely creations... Ihavelotsofbirdsplaying inmybackyardbut Icannot identify any bird species...:( They like to eat the bread crumbs that I leavefor them.:)

Chie Wilks said...

so cute is realy hard taking picture of flying critters but we get lucky sometimes and take a close up shot

mine's a bird

Mel Alarilla said...

It's nice that Rose was able to picture the starlings at your neighbors's roof (I have no idea how starlings look like). That a robin got left behind to feed in your yard was simply gratifying. You have a small grotto of Our Lady of Lourdes at your yard. Probably a memento brought along by Rose from the Philippines. Thanks for the post. God bless you all always.

Coy Hill said...

Nice sized flock of starlings you have here.

That robin must have gotten ahead of the flock, normally we don't begin to see them here in SC Pa until early March after the ground thaws allowing the earth worm to come to the surface.

Lorie Shewbridge said...

Great pictures... I love how they always fly in such large flocks. It always amazes my dog, he just stares at them and never makes a sound.
Thanks for sharing the wonderful sign of spring.

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