Thursday, November 19, 2009

One place, two different views

My Rose took these photos when we went for a walk last weekend by the elementary school. The first two photos with clear sky was taken on Saturday while the last one with a cloudy sky was taken Sunday after we attended mass at the church.

We will miss this view!

26 Smart Readers SAID::

eden said...

great Sky Watch and Looking at the sky photos by Rose. I love the first one the most..

thanks for sharing john..

have a great weekend

i said...

Lovely shots!

Calico Crazy said...

The soft clouds are pretty, but I love the drama of the fog swallowing up the hillside. ~ Calico Contemplations

upto6only said...

i love the sky on the 1st photo. The last one looks so gloomy.

Thanks for visiting

Amazing Gracie said...

Very peaceful, tranquil shots...
I love cool, foggy days. Everyone thinks I'm nuts. Maybe they're on to something.?

Japa said...

Very enticing series of photos. Korea must be a lovely place to stay, you must be enjoying every bit of your time.

Almost forgot, congrats to your daughter for winning that smile!

BTW, something has changed in your comment pop-up window, I'm "thrown" out of your blog, "kind of."

Have a good weekend.

Unknown said...

Cool photos. Thanks for sharing. ;D How's the kid?

Travel and Living
Job Hunt Pinoy

Hilda said...

Oh, you're Rose's hubby-dear! Cool! :)

Because mist and fog very rarely happens in Manila (and so thinly when it does), I have to say that I love the 3rd photo the best!

Happy SWF and happy weekend!

Chie Wilks said...

oh..lovely photos of the sky even with the gloomy still looks good through the effect of that dark clouds is not...Ate Rose is a professional photographer...the view of the mountain that almost touches the sky looks so great..

mine is here

anne said...

so nice it looks it was painted.

AKO said...

I like the first photo with the clouds forming interesting shapes.

DrillerAA said...

Love the final photo in the set.

Dawning Inspiration said...

Beautiful color and love the fogginess in the last one! Thanks for the visit today!!

eileeninmd said...

Love the foggy photos, Great skywatch and have a great weekend.

Ralph said...

The sky is beautiful in all its guises. The change from high clouds to fog upon the hillside is a subtle shift. We often see the gray as not so nice weather often, but there is much beauty to see in the mists...

Dimple said...

Great skies--they sure can change fast!
Thanks for the visit!

SandyCarlson said...

Lovely photos!

Unknown said...

Great shots Mrs Cottrill.

Sunshinelene said...

Beautiful photos, John!

Happy sunday!


Lindz said...

I like the thrid one it's like misty up there in the mountains

Digital Flower Pictures said...

The first one is my favorite.


Lovely shots - but I was looking for a Today's Flower post!?

Liz said...

Beautiful! They looked like paintings.

Have a great week ahead.

ellen said...

great shot!...

nuts said...

i like the last shot with foggy sky.

Mel Avila Alarilla said...

How the sky changes with each day. It's just like life. We go through different phases of our lives each passing day. Thanks for the post. God bless you all always.

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