Our son has a habit that until now he still does it. Every time he would sit down, or do something like nursing from her mom or play his toys, he always cross his feet like this.

My daughter used to flex her muscles when she was a baby and we find it cute hehehe..

Am sure your children had/has habit too. Would you mind sharing it?
33 Smart Readers SAID::
it is cute :-)
my hubby took some pictures of my son's hands and feet, too when he was a baby and they were cute, too!
Your daughter is very cute and adorable. Kisses to her from Cyprus!
That would be a long lasting remembrance cecille..
Thanks for visiting and compliment Philip!
yes she is cute. How i wish i can have a little girl for my next baby heheh. Anyway you need to give me this info: color of the blog, 2 or 3 column. Your image for the header or I am the one who make it...Or maybe I will use your image the one in your header...email me at gengenatyahoodotcom. see you...
No. one and only son would pick the fluff off his blanket and keep it in his curled up fist as he slept. Every morning there would be a ball of it in his cot. He is 46 now and would be most embarressed to know I had told you this.
Adorable children Joops.
hahaha... that's cute. i think my nephew also has a habit of looking to clocks and watches.
Hi Joops, love the pics, really cute. Especially the crossed feet, ha ha.
I love the pics of you teaching the Korean class.
Bet you wow'ed them, huh?
You know, I have seen practically seen every Hollywood war movie since young...from John Wayne's 'Sands of Iwo Jima', to latest Clint Eastwoods, 'Flags of our fathers', then 'Letters from 'Iwo Jima'.
Love 'Saving Private Ryan' too. My favorite, 'The Longest day' and 'Midway'.
I have read books on Eisenhower, Truman, Churchill, Hitler, etc and love General Patton. MacArthur too.
And most of all, love watching movies of the American Navy, its Aircraft carriers....love the latest, USS Ronald Reagan.
Here's a smile for you....
This is the actual radio conversation of a US naval ship with Canadian authorities off the coast of Newfoundland in October
Radio conversation released by the chief of naval operations, Canada: 10-10-95.
CANADIANS: "Please divert your course 15 degrees to the south to avoid a collision".
AMERICANS: "Recommend you divert your course 15 degrees to the north to avoid a collision".
CANADIANS: "Negative. You will have to divert your course 15 degrees to the south to avoid a collision".
AMERICANS: "This is the captain of a US Navy ship. I say again, divert YOUR course".
CANADIANS: "No, I say again, you divert YOUR course".
AMERICANS: "This is the Aircraft Carrier USS ABRAHAM LINCOLN, the second largest ship in the United States Atlantic Fleet.
We are accompanied with three Destroyers, three Cruisers and numerous support vessels.
I DEMAND that you change your course 15 degrees north.
I say again, that's one-five degrees north, or counter-measures will be undertaken to ensure the safety of this ship".
CANADIANS: "This is a lighthouse. Your call".
Have a nice day, Joops, Lee.
That's a cute habit hehehe.
My grown up baby likes to climb. This time she uses her two legs against the doorway and tries to climb like a big giant spider. She looks funny, but I often warn her, she might fall. I even got a picture of that one, but I had problem transferring the cellphone picture to my PC. :(
Love the pics...my youngest loves to squeal...way to much..lol....
thanks for visiting my blog, will add you to my blog roll for sure.
Hi gengen, thta's very nice of you to offer your service for free. I would like to take the opportunity hehehe... By the way, is it okay if you teach me how to do it, so I can do it myself?
Hi Moannie, that's hilarious lol...
that's curiousity dong ho and its a good one...
Oh wow Lee, you and Dad will be a good buddies hehe... Thanks for the smile, it brought laugh to me lol
Your kids are both so cute... hug them both for us...
Hi Gem, that's quite dangerous hehehe.. but i think itwill be cute hehehe...
Hahaha, our kiddoes does that too Tiffiney...
Hi Little Patch of Cement, thanks for visiting back... will add u now..
Oh she is such a cutie...
hahha..that is so precious! how cute...our daughter? her habit is to have blanket, sippy cup, and her puppy all the time...if you missed one of them...you will ruin her day or night...hahahha....:) we called her the "Linus"...:)
So Cute!! my daughter plays with her lips (or pouts) every time she draw something, especially when she's concentrating.
I guess she got it from her dad.
Cookie's Corner
My Girl
wow! they look so cute,hehehehe! my nephew used to cross his feet too,hehehehe! kiddoes!!!
I wish i can have someone someday to take care of...so our home will be full of fun, full of life.
By the way, thanks for dropping by at my page and for leaving a comment on one of my posts. It would be a great pleasure to be added to your list. Ill be adding you here shortly
Hi gengen, thanks a lot!
That's neat dhemz, my son wants his car even in his bed lol...
Hahahah that's cute cookie, my dad always does that everytime he us so busy with something lol..
Hi sunny, my son isn't alone then hahahahha..
Just be patient garychie, you'll have a bundle soon hehehe.. kjeep your faith, it helps..
hehehe.. kiddies' feeet..cuuute... But sorry John, Lee just diverted my attention..'twas a good laugh. Thanks lee...
your baby very cutie... beautiful baby
so cute ... crossing legs at such a young age..haha.. very cute..
happy trip to you guys!!! thanks for your visit also...:-)
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