It has been raining here since yesterday. We even had big pieces of hail yesterday. They were bigger than ice cubes! We were worried that it would crack our car's wind shield but luckily, it did not.
We had a very rough Winter and I am sad that a lot of the plants that I love did not come back this year just like the yellow rose. It was one of my favorites as it smells so good when it blooms but now it's dead.
The white flower blooms that you see are the lily of the valley blooms. I love their smell. They belong to the asparagus family. Its scientific name is convallaria majalis. They comes back every year so they are very good to have.
My clematis are getting ready to bloom as well.
Most of my lilies came back so I am happy!
The photos above were taken by my Samsung Galaxy phone a couple of days ago after my morning run. Most of those were gone now because our rabbit decided to mow them to the ground wahhh. Our bunny, Wubzy, love to eat all the leaves of my plants in the garden. I was just starting to grow the radishes that is mainly for him but he already ate them grrr.
5 Smart Readers SAID::
Very pretty flowers sis :) I love the smell of the lily of the valley too. :D
Silly rabbit! :) I love your lily's sis some of my flowers are blooming too like tulips daffodils and roses.
Awww! sorry about your plants and flowers Sis Rose :-( My tulips few came back 'coz the chickens dug them up but we will plant new ones and next year it's better as the chickens are all in their pen this time :-)
This is one flower that is associated with the Jesus. He is daw the Lily in the Valley.
I need to plant some lilies!
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