A common problem in this day and age is that people feel as if their time at school didn’t prepare them enough for adulthood and adult-life, and that they were just thrust into it without really understanding what they were doing, and still don’t. The aspects of adulthood that this refers to is things like the value of money, the value of hard work and the value of spending time with family. Does school really prepare students for adult life? If you don’t think it does, then take matters into your own hands and make sure your kids are prepared for adulthood straight away once they grow into it.
You can start by making sure that they understand the value of money, and how they have to work hard to earn it and then subsequently earn what they wish to spend it on. You can entice your children to do things such as their homework, good work at school or even household chores by offering them a coin in return if they do it. This could simply be spare pieces of shrapnel that you have lying around in the bottom of your purse or wallet that means virtually nothing to you, but you could tell them that you will have it back off them in exchange for gifts such as extra time on their games console or being able to stay up a bit later on the weekend. This would mean that you are teaching them that they have to work hard, and sometimes do things that aren’t fun, in order to earn physical pieces of money as well as teaching them the fundamentals of basic earning and spending as they exchange their newfound fortune for gifts that they really want. You could even go one step further and offer them specialised and child-friendly coins or paper bills in order to help your children recognise that achievement, good performance and being a good person is met by rewards. If this interests you, then why not go the whole hog and and purchase a coin case that will be a form of inspiration for your children as it will be a constant reminder that it needs to be filled, and the only way they can fill it is by working hard and earning coins. The technique of offering such coins and coin cases is a great tactic for not only parents, but for teachers, coaches and those of you who are in charge of scout groups. The coins are affordable, but still cost more than using your spare cash; however, if you think it may not seem like a wise thing to spend your money on, if implemented correctly it can be.
Teach your children about money
You should also seek to teach your children the importance of spending time with family. You should do so trying to never cut contact with any member of family unless you really have to, because if your children grow up thinking that one family member can be ignored, they may think that all family can be ignored. You should also try to implement on them your family’s history in as fun a way as possible so that they don’t get bored. A way to do so is to blend talking about the history in with normal conversation as much as possible. You can find more family history activities for children here.
Family time with your children
So, if you don’t want your children to be hit by adulthood and not have the life lessons or tools to properly deal with it, then take the matter of preparing them for it into your own hands because the teachers at their school have enough on their hands in trying to teach them academically.
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