My husband and I shares stories to our kids every night about our childhood experiences. Mostly, it's my husband that shred stories because he had more interesting stuff than I did when I was a kid. One night, the told them about his green machine that his parent's bought him and the next thing we know, that was what our daughter wanted for Christmas. That's what she got from "Santa."
A Photo a Day # 58
-My challenge to update this blog daily-
5 Smart Readers SAID::
ang bait talaga ni santa...haven't seen this kind before sis.
What a lucky daughter. That machine will be the envy of the neighborhood.
I approve of GREEN machines!
ROG, ABC Wednesday team
She is a good girl, and she is a great kid! She deserves it!
cute bike and the rider too :) Hope you could visit My ABC Wednesday entry. Thanks!
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