Monday, August 8, 2011

Twin Daisy

 I  put the daisies that my FIL gave me for my birthday last year inside the house.  I thought it died but when I put the  pots outside this year, it grew back.  It bloomed,  not just one but two   flowers in one stem.  Have you ever have a daisy that blooms like this  before, it is my first time so I am curious.
It is now in full bloom but I  wasn't able to download  the picture I took yesterday.  Here are the shots I took yesterday.

Thanks a lot for  visiting.  Your honest opinion on my photography is highly appreciated.

13 Smart Readers SAID::

Liz said...

I bet it's more beautiful in full bloom.

Have a fabulous week.

Liz @ MLC

Linda said...

what a neat find!

LivingSoAbundantly said...

Their openings look like a smiley face's surprised look. =0 Excellent photography!

Silvergirl said...

wow that is beautiufl

Unknown said...

awww... you are doing great sis! lovely captures!

happy OT!

hope you can visit back :)

Ciela said...

Good shots of extraordinary twin daisies. You caught the stages of blooming at the right time! Good job Rose! I love those lovely blooms!

Chie Wilks said...

wow, this is peculiar...i've never seen twin flowers blooming in one stem before.. nice share sis..

here for OT

Margaret Almon said...

Like a mirror image!

Dhemz said...

so pretty! really stunning shots sis...ganda nang notice ko pag DSLR, maganda ang kuha pag!

Grace said...

Never seen a twin daisy or any flower before. Great photos.

Happy weekend.

w0rkingAth0mE said...

Ay ang cute .. rarely ako makakita ng twin daisy.

DeniseinVA said...

A lovely gift and we got the benefit of it too. Thank you for sharing it with us.

Shengkay said...

parang sa plant versus zombie lang ah..hehehe..

thanks or joining!

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