We went to the kids' doctor last Monday for our daughter's last two shots of vaccine. She will be going to school in two weeks and as a requirement, all kids has to have a complete record of vaccination. I am glad that the kids has an updated shots.
While waiting for her turn, the kids played in the waiting area with this magnetic sea creature toys..
We are so proud how brave our little girl is, she never cried whenever she's getting shots.
Have a good start of the weekend everyone.
6 Smart Readers SAID::
awwwwww...2 more weeks to go....how exciting....:) am sure she's ready by now....:) nice entry for MYM.
Great shots, hard to believe school will be starting so soon. Happy MYM!
Having an injection is not a fun time, no matter how old one is. I had to have a Whooping Cough injection just before my grand-daughter was born two weeks ago. My arm ached for three whole days. But it was worth it. She is as gorgeous as your two little bundles of joy are. Thank you for sharing them with me.
Thats a cute kids entertainment toy. EJ started to operate the wires.
Rylie must be all excited to go to school.
Medical offices provide a place for kids to entertain. Both of them look cute together, she's a good ATE.
wow two more weeks before school starts... that's the same here... that magnetic sea creature toy look interesting...
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