Thursday, December 10, 2009

Looking back to Korea

My wife took these photos during the Halloween night after we took our kids to trick or treating. We always had pictures of this part of Korea during the day so night time shots would be a bit different.

A shot of the moon.
Taken at the favorite place where our kids used to play looking at Chinhae downtown.
The building that changes its light every ten minutes, one of my daughter's favorite thing to look at.

This one was taken last Saturday when we went to the mall in Ohio.

17 Smart Readers SAID::

Martha said...

Great shots, thanks for stopping by!

kat said...

i bet, you miss korea John hahaha. Nice photos at night...

Dhemz said...

great entry...thanks for sharing john....:)

Barbara said...

John, Nice to meet you. I look forward to visiting your blog more often and will add you to my list.

I enjoyed the pictures on the slide and the night shots of Korea.
I will return and read some more of your post.

Barbara said...

John I just saw the boat coffee table and would like to show you one I have at our lake house, that I purchased several years ago.

If you have an email, I will send it to you.


JTG (Misalyn) said...

Lovely night shots.

JTG (Misalyn) said...

Lovely night shots.

Hootin Anni said...

Beautiful photos John!

My Wednesday post is published. Do come by if you get a's all Gulf Waters today. Found HERE

Shellbelle said...

Oh, it looks cold in Ohio! Lovely family and I'm glad your wife encouraged you to blog, she must be one smart lady. I love the wedding shot!

Thanks for your service to our country. My daddy was a Navy man and was stationed in West Virginia when my brother was born. He also went on to be a Navy man, but it started with my grandfather. We love sailors in my family!

I am going to follow you!

Mary Bergfeld said...

Your photos are lovely, John. I hope everyone is adjusting well to the move. Have a great Outdoor Wednesday.

Mel Alarilla said...

Beautiful night pictures of Korea. You have so many fond memories of Korea that I'm sure you will never forget for the rest of your lives. Your kids had also their share of wonderful memories there. You have so much blessings from the Lord and we thank Him wholeheartedly for that. Thanks for the post. God bless you all always.

NatureFootstep said...

it was hard to see the water

eileeninmd said...

I also liked the night shots of Korea. You and your family have some nice memories from Korea.

A.Marie said...

Hi there! My younger sister lives in Ohio (Greenville). I didn't realize that it was so wet there! :)

ruby said...

cool pics!! :)

Wengss said...

nice shots. Thnx for sharing pics here.

DeniseinVA said...

Great night shots and that last one too with the rain on your windshield. Thanks for stopping by.

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