Presenting our future photographer and astronomer hahaha. I think both of our children got this trait from their Mom in photography. They just love clicking the camera and my daughter loves to pose for the camera as well. Here she is taking a picture of herself in front of the mirror.
And here is our little man who always plays with his binoculars. He refuses to go to bed unless he has his favorite binoculars at his side.

He just woke up here and immediately started focusing on something lol..

Have fun blogging guys and thanks for dropping by!
10 Smart Readers SAID::
Yes, your kids got the passion of Rose for photography. Rylie will grow up to be a professional photographer and EJ can easily become a top notch astronomer. Thanks for the fantastic photos. God bless you always.
u got great kids buddy! hopping here~!
hahaha.. I agree they got it from Rose...lolz. I love Rose photography.
thanks for sharing the pictures. they are so cute.
God bless always
one serious man in the last photo!! so cute!
The future belongs to them! Hugs and kisses.
absolutely....I am looking forward on their future success.....:) they are so adorable.
Nice and cute kids you have. I hope they become successful photographer and astronomer.
they certsinly look like they have a heart fo photos, soon they'll be owning their own hehehe Santa be ready for the list... lol
That's good, getting the kids to learn early! Hahaha!
They're great and cute kids!!I'm always looking forward on their pics!!^_^
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