A clear sky like this means only one thing, outdoor time. All of us are out enjoying the beautiful day gardening, chasing each other, playing, and taking a family walk in the neighborhood.
My wife and daughter love taking out the weeds from their flowers and the little man wants to help too.

He is our new gardener..

See how hardworking he is..

I love his expression in here lol..

When he got done watering the plants, he picked this rose bud and gave it to his Mom.

Simple gestures with deep meaning. LOVE is in our son's heart!
this post was originally published on September 25, 2009 when we were still in Korea.
A Photo a Day # 88
-My challenge to update this blog daily-
15 Smart Readers SAID::
awh that's so sweet of your son... thanks for following my blog by the way... i am following yours too... and i will add your link to my blog roll... thanks...
Thanks for the flower EJ, you're so sweet.. Mommy loves you so much!
awwwwwwwwwww that was so sweet of EJ....
Ohhh EJ is soo sweet. What a family busy bonding. Your garden guys are nice.
oh my...how lovely!
oppsy doppsy....joops got hired.....lol! A new gardener in town....:)
oizzt the cute new gardener! so cute in his gestures, as if he's really working hard. heheh..
Hi sir John..i think your better now..that's good to know..your kids are really cute..
woww.. so cute and hardworking little gardeners and the mommy too. i love your garden. the plants look so healthy and well taken care of.
wow that a nice and sweet gesture of the little gardener. Thanks for sharing the photos and hope to see you around
Your whole family is really hardworking. They love to work and play. That is a commendable work ethics. EJ is really sweet to offer a rose bud to his mommy. Thanks for the post. God bless you always.
That's sweet!
came here to visit too john...:)
Tha't why you have a so beautiful garden!!
wow, so sweet of your son.. the photo with facial expression really looks like he is a big man pulling the garden hose and taking it very serious with his job.. haha..
those are pretty Roses, Joops; thanks for sharing; thanks also for the prayers, sure appreciate your thoughts and prayers.
i feel much better today compare yesterday :-), hoping to continue to feel better :-)
have a great weekend to you and your family :-)
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